
Monday, July 11, 2016

Eyes #fmy52weeksofmemories

Both our girls have gorgeous grey coloured eyes. 

A cross between my green eyes, and Brett's blue eyes. 

I love that they change at different times of the day. The way the light catches them. They are beautiful and unique. 

Summer and I have the flu in the last week. Brett has just gotten it over the weekend and there's been no sympathy from me. It's always turns to the man flu with him, he didn't even get out of his pyjamas yesterday! Some people have the life.

I am hoping Isabel is saved before she has to perform at the gymnastic championships on the weekend. 

Friday night Isabel and I attended the opening of the Wattle Range photographic exhibition. I was so proud as she accepted her merit award in the youth section, for the photo of her Pop. It was a much needed boost to her confidence.

There were so many amazing photos. I was so happy with myself for being brave, in entering photos for the first time. 

The exhibition is a fabulous community event. Photos from this exhibition are chosen to appear in the local council calendar. Hopefully we will see Isabel's photo of Dad there in next years calendar. That would be exciting.

We are in for a wet week here. Rain rain and more rain. By the end of this first week of holidays the kids are going to be climbing the walls to get out. God help me. 


  1. Congratulations to Isabel on her photography award. I love her photo of her pop especially the child's height perspective she took it from.

  2. Eyes are so captivating up close aren't they?
    Sorry to hear you've been plagued with the flu. We have here too. Mr Vick has been taken down and we've had two Vicklets with hand foot and mouth. All kinds of fun! Hope you're on the mend xx

    1. Hand foot and mouth has been going around. My girls had school sores last holidays. This flu is worst in the mornings, thankfully I can sleep in now, it's school hiolidays.

  3. Isabel's photo is amazing, fingers crossed it makes the calendar!

  4. I love pictures of people's eyes. It tells such a story and very intimate.

  5. Lovely photos Alicia, as always. I cheated and posted a photo of my cat for the eyes prompt :P

    1. I was worried about getting behind with this one. I think I have worked out what I am doing for 'soft'.

  6. That's so cool she won a merit award, it's a great shot. And I hear you about man flu, imagine being able to stay in bed all day - what is that?? x

    1. It was a proud moment for me. It's like going fishing and just wanting them to catch a fish so bad. She handled it like a champ.

  7. I saw your daughter won this award on Insta. Well done to her! Hopefully it blossoms into a full-blown interest.

    1. She does love to take photos. I like her perspective too.

  8. THANK YOU for hosting each week :)! I'm glad you were brave to enter a photo, you have NOTHING to loose & everything to gain. It's always fun that you 'did it' no matter what the outcome. Have a great day…Jodie

  9. Well done to Isabel! What a great moment for her!

  10. I love the idea of capturing everyone's eyes - what a beautiful thing to do. As for that gorgeous girl of yours - well done squeak. What a bit achievement for a little chook xx

  11. I'm a bit late to Open Slather this week ...but a lovely post about the photographer (youngest) in the family too. Capturing the little moments and the life as is now is just the best. I miss that kind of photography now I am away from g'kids (and I'm kind of barred from too much now due to the privacy thing....) So it's nature and art here. I am guessing the hail today has made conditions even more unpleasant. Thank goodness it's hols. I hope you still have power. That's always my worry when extremes of weather are about!


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