
Monday, May 23, 2016

Thai chicken noodle soup - eat #fmy52weeksofmemories

Through Best Recipes' Best in Basket, I sampled two Campbell's Real soup bases. The Thai flavour and Spanish flavour.
Campbell's Thai soup is chicken stock infused with fish sauce, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, garlic, coriander and chilli. All you need to make tasty Thai soups.

There is a couple of recipes provided on the packaging, including one for Thai chicken noodle soup, which I made and really enjoyed!

Campbell's Spanish soup base is a vegetable based stock with added flavours of smoked paprika (I love this spice), capsicum, garlic, onion and tomato.

I made a Spanish and chorizo rice dish with this one, and a minestrone type soup. The Spanish soup base packaging provided a couple of recipes to make as well.

A Spanish bacon and vegetable soup. This was made with McKenzies soup mix and the
Campbell's Spanish real soup base

I much preferred the Thai soup base though and will buy it again to make Thai soups. It is really easy to impress your friends and family, and spoil yourself, not to mention it just tastes good.

Thai chicken noodle soup

50 grams vermicelli noodles
1 tablespoon oil
500 gr chicken breast, sliced thinly
1 litre Campbell's Real soup base
1 carrot, cut into matchsticks
65 grams snow peas, sliced thinly into strips
1/2 red capsicum, slice thinly into strips
a wedge of lime
fresh coriander leaves

Soak noodles in warm water.

Heat oil , add the sliced chicken and cook for 3 minutes.

Add the soup base and bring to the boil, lower heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

Add the drained noodles, carrot, snow peas and capsicum. Cook for a further five minutes.

Serve with a wedge of lime and fresh coriander leaves. If you'd like a little extra heat, garnish with thinly sliced chilli.


  1. This Thai soup base sounds like a brilliant idea! Thank you for expanding my winter soup repertoire!

  2. I have only just started to buy liquid stocks and I am loving them. I didn't know there were fancy ones like these. The Thai one sounds fab.

    1. It is pretty good Jody. There's a coupe of different recipes to try on the packaging.

  3. Your food always looks so delicious Alicia. The only soups I make come from cans because nobody else in the family eats them so its not worth the effort of making them from scratch. I like the idea of a soup base though, maybe if I can find a flavour everyone likes that might be a winner. P.s. thanks for keeping up with the #fmy52weeksofmemories challenge :)

    1. I am trying really hard to keep up with the challenge Toni. Mosts soups I make, the kids won't have a bar of. I usually eat them over a few days or hubby with have a bowl.

  4. that sounds easy enough to whip up for lunch! I think I'll add the ingredients to this week's shopping list, it's finally cooling down to soup weather in qld!

  5. I love Thai food. I have just become the family cook as my hubby has taken a job where he can no longer be home to cook dinner, so i am in need of ideas that aren't too hard. Great linky too, so nice to meet you, Mac xx

  6. Seems I'm the only one who will eat soup two days running, hubby won't! Grrr!

    1. There's a member in our family that famously said, "I can't live on soup!" when that is all that was offered for dinner. ha ha

  7. Your soups look delicious!!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  8. I am always impressed by your cooking, recipes and photos of same! Lucky family is what I say. Yummy. Thanks for having this linky Alicia, I appreciate it! Denyse x

    1. So happy to have you here! thank you for being so nice xx

  9. These soups sound good, that is for sure. I've seen the soup bases in the shop but haven't tried them. I might have to one day.

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