
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mum's big trombones - love #fmy52weeksofmemories

When I saw them I was astounded at the size of Mum's trombone squash she grew this year. She attributes her success to lots of animal manure and keeping the water up. 

I knew I had to take a photo and share it with our local paper. Locals and their big veggies are a regular sight in it's pages.

The photos turned out great, and the photo with Mum and the girls was published in the South Eastern times yesterday.

In my own garden I've just pulled up my tomato plants. The green ones are ripening on the window sill.

Almost time to start buying them again at the supermarket. Not the same.

I have planted seeds of broad beans, snow peas and beetroot in the spaces left from the tomatoes.


  1. these are amazing! So huge! Looks like so much fun for the kids

  2. Wow! Are they any good for eating? I thought the bigger they got, they weren't as tasty but what do I know?!

    1. These are like a cross between a pumpkin and a squash. They are supposed to grow long (not this big I suppose). They're hard like a pumpkin but taste like a squash.

  3. Oh. My. God! How amazing! I've never seen anything so big from the veggie patch. GREAT PHOTOS! What memories. It's good to keep the veggies going. I have plants to put in but with all the rain and general living chaos it hasn't happened yet and I know I'll pay by having a gap at the other end of having to buy veggies. It's so nourishing isn't it, growing your own?

    1. I love growing and eating stuff from the garden. Very satisfying.

  4. Wow! They are huge. The carrots are pretty good too. Our tomatoes are just taking off with some cooler weather, they've taken a while since planting to decide to grow so hopefully not too long until we have some. My snow peas don't seem to be doing anything much. I had enormous rosella bushes, absolutely packed with rosellas and the gardeners that do our units attacked them because they looked messy, grrr. We also had some cucumbers growing but after a week of wet weather they were not happy so turned up their leaves. My spinach isn't that happy with the wet weather we've been having either. I love how awesome it feels to succeed at growing something to the point of putting it on the dinner plate.
    They are lovely photos of your family.

  5. My God! They're immense! What does one DO with them?
    Hope you'll come share these shots at

  6. Holy cow, those are HUGE! I struggle to grow weeds that big (but give it a good go). We have made a number of attempts at a home garden but just don't have the discipline. I have had to resign myself to being glad that our garden is at its best when my mother-in-law comes to stay.

  7. They were huge!

    And I totally agree shop bought tomtoes don't taste half as good!

  8. Oh wow!!! How fabulous and huge!! What a great experience for your kids x

  9. So amazing to see these photos, I struggle to grow things in Darwin...except the moment tomatoes are flowering but not setting fruit, it might just be too hot this year.

  10. So amazing to see these photos, I struggle to grow things in Darwin...except the moment tomatoes are flowering but not setting fruit, it might just be too hot this year.


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