
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Special #fmy52weeksofmemories

I have a feeling of reluctance when Izzy asks to use my camera. She seems to enjoy using it, and I quite like seeing what she has captured from her perspective. There is always something special and unique. It makes me nervous though and am constantly reminding her to look after it. I have to remember to pack her camera when we got out and about so I don't have to hand over mine.

We went down to Canunda on Easter Saturday with family. This is how Izzy saw it.


  1. Oh I love her shots!! Some of them are quite arty! Although I can understand your reluctance to hand over your camera but so nice to foster something they're interested in and have a bit of talent for x

  2. I have two grandkids aged (now) 6 and 8 and they are really good at finding shots that appeal to them and mostly to me! I have two camera I let them have and I like how they find a different perspective to me. Mind you, I now place restrictions on 'no up people's noses!' Denyse x

  3. Gosh you and the girls have EXACTLY the same smile, a slow smirk but also with your eyes. Love it. xx

  4. Lovely and she has quite a good eye. You should remember her camera. I can totally understand the reluctance to let kids handle the big one, the one that is worth a lot more.

  5. Wow she takes great shots just like you! I think I'd be hesitant handing over my camera too though.


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