
Monday, April 25, 2016

One Mother Hen: John Leslie O'Brien - His Story

On this, the 25th of April, ANZAC day, I thought I'd repost John O'Brien's story.

It has been almost four years since we lost my extremely impoliticly correct father in law, and grand pop to my kids.

He was known to blurt out such statements as the bombs that were dropped on Japan were not atomic, they were fertiliser bombs!! Because they did not stop them, they multiplied!

Not sure he would turn in his military grave at Pasadena or not, to be featured here. He wouldn't want the bloody fuss. I am sure he is proud as punch of his grandkids, in fact I know he would be. Not that when he was alive, he was the best at showing it to his offspring, but he would tell all removed who would listen, of their achievements.

Please take the time to read the legacy he left behind, according to Annette, his most beloved daughter in law, and read by his grand daughter Zoe, at his funeral.

Please click on the link to read of his amazing life One Mother Hen: John Leslie O'Brien - His Story:


  1. Stories make the world and it's people that much more meaningful... great story!♥

    1. It makes the world a better place that our stories are shared. I think it's important.

  2. Nice tribute. (zipped over and back - wasn't sure where to comment) Glad he didn't run over his future wife!!

  3. Thank you for sharing his story. Brought back so many memories of my dad who was also born in 1922, much loved by all who knew him, had a great love for crossword puzzles and the news and also died of renal failure at the age of 88. May they both be at peace.

  4. I think there needs to be a new family rule...for us all. Let the person for whom the tribute/life story is written get to hear it too. We did something like this for my late mum at her 80th and a much bigger version for dad at his 90th. The photos showed his smile never changed. Lovely post, A!

    1. That would be special, and a fabulous idea to share with family members before they go x

  5. It is wonderful that you had such a lovely character as part of your life. John certainly did a lot in his life and it sounds like he lived it to the fullest.
    I hope you enjoyed your long weekend with family.

  6. Thanks for the party Alicia and for sharing his story.

    Anne xx


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