
Thursday, April 21, 2016

A whole buncha fun

Product review brought to you by Nuffnang and Funtastic Bunchems.

My little clown, super excited with her box of Bunchems RRP $39.99
I was hesitant about accepting Bunchems into our house. I knew nothing about them but the stories about horrific hair tangles. From what I'd seen on social media, it had me thinking that surely they were evil and a shoe in for worst toy of the century.

You have to excuse me for expecting them to fly out like heat hair seeking missiles as soon as the box was opened.

It wasn't the case. Not to say, I wasnt cautious, with a whole spiel to the girls about not putting anywhere near their heads. I even went as far as putting their hair up so there were no accidents!

A furry caterpillar
Everyone knows kids are happier when they are busy, and this doesn't always mean busy in front of a screen. It's important for them to be creative and engage their imagination through construction and craft. Bunchems keeps them busy and entertained with no glue, sticky tape or MESS.

Bunchems magically cling together to build and create anything your kids can think of and they can create again and again, as the plastic spheres are reusable.

Here is how much fun my girls had with Bunchems on the day they arrived in our house. The next morning they pulled them out again for more fun.

Some of the designs were a bit more involved, like the octopus and the crazy car. Izzy needed a little help with these ones, I found myself sitting down for some creating too.

It dawned on me that it's been a while since I joined in for some quality time creating with them. I really enjoyed it. Mostly though they were happy to construct whatever their minds desired.

A vase of flowers. Summer's favourite thing was making flowers.

A snake

My very own Bunchems fail. The girls thought it was pretty good!

Izzy's favourite, the unicorn

What was your favourite Bunchems creation?

What would you create with Bunchems?


  1. These do look like fun to create with and it is always nice to just sit and create with kids. I think I might have to add this to the ideas list for my niece.

  2. How have I never heard of these? Wow they look cool - my kids would adore these!

  3. I have never heard of Bunchems before! I guess that comes from having grown up kids. They are always coming up with new things aren't they. Fantastic photo's Alicia, and they do look like fun for the kids to be creative with! :-)

  4. Lol! How excited is your girl in that first pic?!!
    I can't wait for these to arrive. The kids are so excited! I am going to have a ton of fun too by the looks of it!!

  5. They look so cool! I missed the email to apply for them to review I was so devastated because I think bub would've loved them too.

  6. Oh...they do look cool. I can see it being a great activity for a rainy day


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