
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Outside #52weeksofmemories

Well it's my second day of total bliss. I can get on with what I need to do during the day without the distractions, fighting or constant requests from my two lovely girls. Izzy's back at school, and Summers has kindergarten a few days a week. Have I told you it's bliss?!

Although I got side-tracked from what I was originally going to do, I still got stuff done. Like clean the dunny and bathroom, and make jam. I faffed on Facebook, and went outside and took photos, picked peaches and brought in the wheelie bins.

There may come a time when I become bored as hell, but at the moment I am savouring the time to myself.


  1. Replies
    1. I am enjoying the peace and quiet. It's a nice change after the holidays :)

  2. Looks glorious! We are wishing for the relaxing bit of having 3 at school to kick in, but unfortunately we're madly house hunting and trying to get as much packed as possible before my husband starts work in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait to have some solace like yours! =)

    1. You will get it and in a new house! All the best with the house hunting x

  3. You have such a lovely garden! Enjoy your time without the girls.

    1. I will have more time to keep it looking good now. Weeds and things needing cutting back everywhere!

  4. Enjoy the peace and quiet and I am sure you'll find plenty of fun 'just you' things to fill your days.

  5. You have such a beautiful garden! Lovely pictures :)


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