
Monday, July 6, 2015

June #52weeksofmemories

School holidays have just started. Today will see me braving the supermarket with both of them. Send me good vibes.

We have guests staying in the holiday house this week, all the way from Healesville near Melbourne. They're leaving Saturday morning. I have plans if it is not rented again, to go down there by myself on Saturday night. I need some time out. I am guessing I will be bored shitless within the first hour.

Wednesday I am taking the girls to see Minions. I haven't taken them to the movies before, so it's going to be a treat for them. I am more excited than they are!

The weeks seem to be going by in a flash. I can hardly keep up. I'd totally forgotten to wrap up my June with photos from the prompts supplied by Toni at Finding Myself Young. It's a lame attempt, but here is a bit of our June.

22. Yum

Portuguese doughnuts with lemon curd. Yum!

23. In the car

I like being the passenger in the city. I leave the driving to Brett. I can appreciate all
the pretty sights.

24. Hands
These are from the playground on South Terrace in Adelaide.

Adelaide Aquatic Centre

25. Family
Brett and the girls after Disney on Ice. Waiting for a tram back into the city. 

Brett and his brother playing silly buggers. Brett bought himself a mower for the holiday
house. Boys and their toys.


  1. I love school hoilidays - we're off to Disney on Ice this week too!

  2. Your photos of the Portuguese doughnuts with lemon curd bring back memories of my gorgeous Nana!

    I hope your kids enjoy the Minion movie. My kids loved it! Tomorrow I'm taking them to see Inside Out.

  3. What is it with boys and toys seriously? Glad to hear the house is rented out, I hope you get the break away. I am taking my youngest to the movies today - he'll love it - the other two are having sleepovers and gosh it's quiet at my house right now. All the best with the supermarket mission. A Chupa Chup at the start should see them through, just say no crunching! And a strawberry milk for half the way around! Big love xxx

  4. We went to Disney On Ice last night - wonderful! My baby loved it! Your guests at your holiday home live near me! Enjoy your break. X

  5. Those doughnuts look divine. When I was pregnant doughnuts of all shapes sizes colours and flavours were my thing.... I couldn't get enough of them.

  6. I used to love school holidays - for a break from the usual routine - no packing lunches, no rushing off in the mornings or school pick-ups, a break from sports and after school activities! Loved it all! I still like it even though my kids are grown up now - because the traffic lightens up in school holidays around these parts and my sister visits from Sydney with her two kids. Have a wonderful holiday! :-)

  7. Doughnuts yum!!! Also those wands are super cool. I still remember seeing disney on ice when I was younger. Also totally jealous you're going to see the Minions movie! I really want to go but theres no way bub would stay still long enough for a movie.

  8. Gee I smiled reading about the school holidays... needing time out... already interpreting being bored shitless! HA! I've been there too. I agree with you... this whole year is just whizzing by in a flash. Loved appreciating your photos Alicia♥

  9. Great photos. Those portugese donuts look divine! Enjoy the movie and your time out.

  10. Those donuts look delicious! I enjoy being the passenger too and just taking in the sights but I also enjoy being the driver and in control of stopping and really looking at those sights (throgh a lens of cause). It sounds like your holidays are busy and fun. Enjoy the movies, I've heard it is a good one.

  11. I'm arriving rather late to the party. I spent all of Sunday thinking it was Saturday and most of today trying to work out how I lost a complete day. I blame school holidays.

  12. Beautiful pictures, wonderful happy!

  13. Visiting a little late (we actually managed a getaway). I hope you got a little r and r and that you all enjoyed the Minions. Was it worth seeing?


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