
Monday, June 29, 2015

Flatulent unicorns, crazy biatches and reality TV

The weight loss is not going well. My three year old takes much delight in jiggling her hand on my belly and singing, 'Jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate, wibble wobble........". Thanks for nothing play school!

I need to just knuckle down and move my arse. Oh and eat less cake, and biscuits. Oh and ice cream and pork ribs!!! Did I tell you my nephew makes the best ribs? 

How was your weekend? My social calendar was off the chizain.

A nephews birthday, another 'L' plater and reason to stay off the footpaths in Millicent! I entertained on Saturday, and attended a working bee at the community gardens on Sunday.

How's Facebook?! Anyone would think the US passed a fabulous bill, or someone let a blessing of flatulent unicorns lose on the interwebs!

Saturday I submitted my first ever community grant application. It's for a pizza oven communal area for the community garden. It took me six days to draft, crazy. I wish I had have been given a bit more time. I am not getting my hopes up, after all it is my first. But I lie, I have a nervous excitement. Have you joined NABO yet? Please do, I could use your vote, in the case of a divine miracle, we make the final five in the state.

I'll be over the moon if we are considered, if we don't win at least I would have gained some valuable experience and confidence for next time. I am looking for grants to apply for like a craaazy lady.

Speaking on crazy ladies, did you catch Belle Gibson? Someone need to fix the gate, because it's UNHINGED. 

I'm crazy, but not THAT crazy.

It is refreshing to see more reality TV shows being advertised. Spellbound, Restaurant revolution and The hot plate to mention a few. Not that I will be watching with glee, but because it's more fodder for my favourite of favourite reality TV shows, Gogglebox. If that TV series doesn't return for a second season I will be in utterly and suitably outraged (reads, pouting like a spoilt child).

How was your weekend? 
Did you like Gogglebox?
Ever written a grant application?


  1. Good luck with the grant,and no to googlebox...

  2. Wow that's a whole lotta stuff! There's been developments on Belle Gibson??! Must check it out. I purchased a copy of her withdrawn book as a collector's item! She won't get a cent of course but all her lie is there in print in the first pages. Fascinating what this girl did and quite unbelievable.

  3. Good luck with the grant application and yes I have been involved in doing one once years ago when I was on the committee at kindy!! Belle Gibson is a very unwell girl I think - that interview was painful to watch!

    1. It is sad, also sad that 60 minutes would pay for and televise such an obviously disturbed woman's account of her reality. It would be money well spent on a psychologist.

  4. Sounds like you live a full and exciting life Alicia. There are so many grants available... wishing you every success! I agree with Min... it was a painful interview to watch, so much so that I didn't watch it all. Have a wonder-filled week!

  5. Thats impressive about the grant. I'm just not that involved in our community which is not very good of me.

  6. Good luck with your grant application! Weight loss is even harder when you are entertaining and busy socially!

  7. Love your funky post today, full of spunk and attitude! My boys love playing with my big baby tummy! As for the rainbow FB profile pics I'm just too lazy to change it because one day it means I'll have to change back! Happy Monday x

    1. I've made my feelings known in a personal post, so didn't change my picture. Yes too, because I am lazy!

  8. I love Gogglebox! It's the only reality TV I watch, but it makes me feel like I watch ALL of them!

    1. Me too! It's my catch up on all of the ones I miss!

  9. Best of luck with the grant. I've had an interesting weekend, I hardly want to talk or think about it but in true blogger form, I've blogged it.

  10. Flatulent unicorns *snort* and I am sorry but you first paragraph made for some entertaining reading. You have to love kids. Good luck with getting back on the horse.
    Gogglebox, I think I caught it once and actually it was interesting seeing peoples reactions and how similar people who live together are.
    Good luck with the grant!

    1. I am looking forward to seeing how we went. I hope if we don't make the finals, I at least get some useful feedback. You can't hide from the honesty of children :)

  11. I'm a bit slow to catch on that all cool peeps link up here as well with Kirsty. Better late than never, right? I hear you about the eating less cake thing. Totally sucks. I haven't quite caught the reality show bug. I watched a bit of The Voice last night but it seemed a bit boring. Good luck with the grant! xo

    1. Thanks Ness. After looking at other entrant examples we will need it! I'm doing some baking tomorrow, that will test the will power (of which there is none).

  12. Gogglebox was hilarious!! T swore he wouldn't watch it but he watched it every time and was pissing himself along with me.

    1. I loved it. So interesting. Check them out on Instagram :)

  13. Oh my goodness, I just watched that Gibson interview today, that woman has serious problems! Right now I've been in to Orphan Black in a big way coz I think I have overloaded on reality TV. I'm still sticking in there with Masterchef coz it's so close to the end, but I will definitely need a break once it's done! Good luck with the grant x

    1. I am watching Master chef too, in between the kids getting in and out of bed and all the fun a games that goes along with it. Aaargh! I've taken notice of Orphan Black, but haven't watched a show yet.

  14. I have been reading about Belle Gibson. I must watch the interview. I believe it was very interesting.
    Dora wobbles my tummy too.. It's not the best for the self esteem but I am getting better at accepting my wobbly bits the older I get. x

    1. It is funny, but I DO need to lose some weight.

  15. Yes, I wish you luck in the application of subsidies!


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