
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Renae weeping rose

In late 2013 I posted about this rose, where the root stock had taken over this beautiful weeping Renae rose. it is spectacular, but not the rose I bought to begin with.

This rose has been here for about 10 years. I have finally cut all the offending rootstock growth out a couple of months ago, and am left with the original grafted Renae rose as it was meant to be.

All this new growth has taken off without the overbearing competition of the black boy rose, and already started to weep over it's support. The Renae rose is gorgeous and smells amazing. I am so glad I got rid of the rootstock growth, as grand as this rose 'tree' was, the Renae rose is awesomer. It may not look as spectacular, but it will once it flourishes.

Who would have known when I planted this way back then, that one of my friends would call her daughter Renae. It's weird, but this rose suits her perfectly and I am so happy to have her namesake rose in my garden.


  1. Oh wow! Such pretty flowers
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  2. Beautiful! I can't believe the incredible difference since you cut off the offending rootstock growth!

  3. Oh wow, they're stunning. Will I sound incredibly idiotic if I say I've never seen roses on a trestle (sp?) before? I'm sure I haven't!!!

    1. You can get 'standard' roses which are grafted on a shorter root stock. These ones are about 5 ft tall, and usually have a weeping type rose, so the rose stems end up cascading down all around the stem to the ground.

  4. Gorgeous! Beautiful photos Alicia.

  5. Nice pictures with these exquisite spring flowers, a delight of roses! Beautiful !!

  6. Oh Alicia! I'll have to save this as a plant I want in my new garden. Lovely!

  7. Oh wow, how beautiful! My dad is a rose gardener so I am a big fan of roses in general.

    1. I love them. When they all come into bloom at the same time, in my garden that is November, it is spectacular.


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