
Monday, May 25, 2015

Piss farting around

'Piss farting around', seems to be my favourite saying of choice lately.

It's what I say to my kids if, for the third time in a row after asking, they haven't got their shoes on or gotten their pyjamas on.

I have been so busy at our local community garden, I haven't had time or the inclination to blog. It seems a passion for gardening, which I've had all along, has been reignited in a big way. I can't stay away from the place!

I have had the inclination to piss fart about on Facebook, which I think, there is absolutely nothing wrong with. This, or googling how to make compost bins or where the best place to put a greenhouse is. I was mostly kid free yesterday, and spent a good majority of it delving into the world of worm farming. I learned it is really easy, and am on the hunt to scab some worms from someone, so I can begin farming at the community garden.

I hate thinking spending time of Facebook, and getting lost in it's 'rabbit hole', is a waste of time. Or something to feel guilty about. Really, the world isn't going to end if I don't post something. The world isn't going to into meltdown, or (if it isn't on the spectrum) chuck a tanty over the fact I haven't got a post, hot off the press, to tantalise the masses.

When I was in the thralls of young, confused, preteen angst, one of the songs that seemed to stick in my memory was, "It's my party, and I will cry if I want to". Yes someone had a version of that in the early eighties. I found myself justifying my time away from the blog with this song in my head. It's my party, and I'll blog if I want to. Blog if I want to. Or not.

Prime example of piss farting around

I read something recently, it was after Megan, from Musings of the Misguided shared it, in a comment on a another blog I think. The quote, "Any time you enjoyed wasting is not a waste of time". I really enjoyed wasting time online today. I was learning, and piss farting about on Facebook (I hope someone replies after my pleas for free compost worms). 

Most of the trashy links I clicked on were rubbish though. I am getting so sick of crappy articles, like photos of celebs that 'are aging disgracefully'! A couple of these women (there were some men), had never had plastic surgery, like some of their counterparts, and were just old. They weren't ugly. Of course they have sagging jowls and wrinkles. That doesn't mean they are aging disgracefully.  On the other hand, some of them were, and should just plain stay away from the surgeon's knife, because the results ain't pretty.

Is online 'news' giving you the willies lately?

Did anyone catch Open Slather on Foxtel last night? Tell me it was good. They're using my name so I hope it was bloody good. No foxtel here.


  1. I'm trying to limit my FB a bit as I really think I'm getting nothing done because I waste so much time on's nice to have conversations with far flung friends, but I've really got to watch it....
    No foxtel here, sorry!

    1. It is a great time waster. Sometimes I really need to learn to relax and waste time though, and not feel guilty about it.

  2. Good on you for piss farting Alicia. You won't find too much of interest on Facebook though in terms of quality. I read recently that lower class youth prefer FB while middle class youth prefer Instagram and somehow, it all just made sense right there!

    1. I do love Instagram, I am a visual person. You are right, not much interest on FB, but it can be useful. I put up a WTB on our local buy/swap/sell and a lady has kindly GIVEN me her entire worm farm for the gardens!

  3. I totally agree that the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time at all! I call it relaxing!

  4. I use that saying "piss-farting around" too and I sure do a lot of it! lol I love gardening too but don't do it as much as I used to. Facebook can lead you to some weird articles and things LOL

  5. I love piss-farting around on FB and most of the time I don't feel guilty about it, unless I'm doing it to procrastinate and I end up getting nothing done. But most of the time it's just good fun!

  6. No Foxtel here either, though I am awesome at piss farting around, like gold medal awesome! In fact that could very well be what I am doing right this very moment! I totally agree with the whole time you enjoyed not being wasted time as well. Cleaning the toilet and bathroom however...that could easily be wasted time I think! Also worm farms are awesome, they make the best tea for your garden.

    1. I can't wait for that worm tea! I am hoping to have enough to sell some too, to raise money for the gardens ;)

  7. I'm with Tegan, farting around is okay if you enjoy doing it! A shame though if I don't get my work done because of it! xx

  8. I use the unsubscribe button on Facebook posts to keep things interesting. And I so agree with Megan's quote! I spent the weekend lying around, instead of thinking of it as wasting time, I'm gonna think of it as time that I enjoyed.

    1. We all need to mindlessly waste time every now and again, and not feel guilty about it!

  9. We use the word 'farnarkling' here. It basically means the same thing as piss-farting around. I might change to piss-farting just for a bit of variety.
    Funny you should say that about facebook - in the past 5 days I've barely been on Facebook. Mind you, I don't have a facebook page for my blog, so I'm just talking about personal use. I'm just sick of it. It's nice to check in, because I do love catching up with news from old school friends, etc, but having it open all day in a tab makes it too tempting to click over to it and waste time gazing at nothing much.

    1. Ooh I like 'farnarkling'. I could see me slipping that one into my vocabulary.

  10. Since I am not currently working I spent a hell of a lot of time piss farting around!! I have so much to do but at the end of each day when I think about what I have accomplished, some days it's a sweet FA! Who knows what I do, it's not Facebook so much, but definitely games.... I need to put a limit on myself!

  11. I like piss farting around too and reading trash online. I really like trashy tv too. :)

    1. I really miss Gogglebox. I enjoyed watching that to catch up on all the reality tv I missed during the week!

  12. Haha, piss farting ... I tend to say fart arsing or muck farting. I do a lot of it, a lot of doing nothing useful with my time but maybe we need it sometimes, just not as much as I do. Maybe I should go and do something useful.

  13. I love the phrase 'piss farting around' but I don't think I can pull it off. :P
    Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are like minefields for keep digging deeper and find no way out!

  14. Wonderful tenderness, joy, beauty and happiness in those beautiful faces!

  15. I am a great piss-farter! haha.. Love it. I might use this term more often. I go round and round in circles on the internet some days and do feel a pang of guilt when hubs walks into a shambles of a mess... but I did enjoy it. I love "Any time you enjoyed wasting is not a waste of time!" It will be quoted around here in future too!

    1. I think my hubby is used to the mess haha. He knows by now how quickly a clean house becomes a minefield of mess!


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