
Monday, April 20, 2015

Last hoorah at the swimming lake for 2015

It's the start of the second week of school holidays here in South Australia. The first week seemed to fly by with a wink of an eye. I can see this week passing just as quick.

We stayed in Pelican Point over the weekend. We have our first guests staying there this coming weekend, so I have to go back this week sometime to make all the beds and give it a once over. Bit exciting. It had only been on Stayz for a day, and who would have thunk anyone would want to come and stay in Pelican Point! 

There's actually a few holiday houses in Pelican Point and Carpenter Rocks.

It rained all day Saturday and yesterday was a top of 14 degrees. The cold weather has really snuck in. I made a pot of my celery and potato soup, but put some sweet potato in as well. It was awesome with a drizzle of chilli oil and paprika.

We got a couple of days of around 25 degrees last week, a heat wave! The girls wanted to head down the lake. I thought they were a bit mad, but went anyway. We were the only ones of a few who did. The kids had a ball, I was glad we went down there for one last hoorah for this year.

The lake is usually open from November to March, but the council opened it up in October last year and have left it open longer this year. It was good to see tourists there swimming and a man turn up in a wetsuit, swimming cap and goggles for a few laps.


  1. I wish the holidays were still going here! Enjoy it while it lasts. X

    1. We have such a busy week, I hope I get to enjoy it :)

  2. That swimming lake looks amazing fun! Enjoy your second week of holidays! School goes back today in Brisbane I think (I have no kids at school anymore). Holidays begin for hubby and I on Friday when we jet off to Tassie! Yippee! :-)

    1. Oh yay! We loved Tassie. Hopefully we will get back there one day. Have a great time!

  3. One more day of school holidays here and my eldest returns from her Greece school trip this week. I've really been enjoying the lack of routine to our mornings. Have woken with the sorest throat and could really do with that soup right about now. It looks delicious.

    1. It would be just perfect for your sore throat, especially with the chilli oil. It really is delicious.

  4. Looks like a great holiday and 25 degree I can only wish here in Melbourne! Cold and stormy here - not great holiday weather at all!

    1. You usually get the weather, we have just had. It get so cold in the afternoons now! We had so much rain on Saturday!

  5. Today is the last day of the school holidays here. It's a pupil free day! Definitely not a swimming day, it's wet and cold! Perfect for eating celery and potato soup!

  6. That lake pool looks awesome! I am sad that school has gone back in Queensland because now it means I have no friends to hang out with! (they're all teachers!) hahaha...enjoy them while they last

  7. That place looks awesome! I love the way it has a shore but also an edge like a swimming pool. The cold weather has well and truly snuck in here today too, it's only about 13 degrees, rainy and windy! Definitely time to pack away the summer clothes and get the woolies out!

    1. People come from all around to spend the day in Summer. There's even a fish and chip shop on site, so an awesome spot to waste some time :)

  8. I'm kinda envious of the weather there right now. It's freezing and windy and rainy here. :( Feels like winter has arrived early.

    1. I think those nice days last week, we our last. Even though the sun is coming out, it is getting freezing in the afternoons. We hardly had a summer, I don't mind the rain, I just don't like being cold!

  9. That soup look delish! I have to try it some time..
    And the little girls are adorable :)

    Found my way here from her^ blog :)

  10. Yummy looking soup. This kids look they are having a good time even if it is a little windy.

    1. The wind was actually the best thing, it was quite warm. The kids love it, even though the water was a little cold. I swear they don't feel it like we do.

  11. Very nice! I love your pictures, they are happy !!

  12. Gosh aren't they growing so fast?! We'll retire our pool this weekend, it's 22C and WAY too cold for these Queensland kids x


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