
Monday, April 13, 2015

Celery and potato soup

I knew I felt like soup for lunch. The days are getting pretty cool in the south east of South Australia. It's feeling very much like comfort food weather, soup weather. 

I'd ducked into the supermarket, there greeting me as I walked in, were bunches of celery for one whole dollar. Yes please! 

I came home and made soup for lunch, and it was choice!

The leftover celery I wrapped in alfoil, and kept in the fridge. I saw this tip on Facebook a while ago, and it really works. The celery stays crisp for a couple of weeks. 

It's probably one of the top veggies that gets chucked out, because it never gets used up before it goes all limp and boring.

You can slice it up and freeze it for later use, in casseroles and soups. Better than chucking money away.

When I was a kid, I loved it spread with peanut butter. I can't bring my kids to love it though, they've never been big lovers of peanut butter. Celery they do love to crunch on though. At least it is one veggie I know Izzy will eat. Fresh anyway, she is not a cooked veggie lover. She'll only eat cooked corn cobs, that's it. It's a good thing she likes her veggies raw and crunchy, as I'd never get her to eat them. She would never go for this soup.  

So. I had two bowls for lunch.....

Celery and potato soup

1 tablespoon of butter
1 onion, sliced
1 large potato, or 2 small ones
5 big stalks of celery
700 mls water or veggie stock
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper

Place the butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Cook the onion, potato and celery for 5 minutes.

Add the water/stock and simmer for 20 minutes. 

Puree the soup in a blender or with a stick blender. 

Put the saucepan of soup back on the heat, add the milk. Stir to warm through the milk. Season with salt and pepper. 

Serving suggestions 

  • Serve with crispy bacon or pancetta
  • A sprinkle of paprika and blue cheese(pictured)
  • crusty bread
  • drizzled with chilli oil

Do you love your veggies fresh and crunchy, or cooked? 
Did you ever have celery with peanut butter?


  1. Sounds so delish! Love a good vegie soup.

  2. I'm so going to try and make this one. Soup is the only thing I love about cold weather.

    And great tip on keeping celery crunchy!

  3. Yum looks great. I am so looking forward to soup weather.

  4. I biff so much celery out, but I should be making soups.If I buy already veggie stock will that still be okay? More chance I'll actually make the stuff!

    1. Yep, sure use already made up veggie stock. I just used water and it was fine, but veggie stock would give it more flavour depth :)

  5. Thanks so much for the celery tip! I'll be using that for sure! AND yay to the recipe. We love soups in winter here and we didn''t have a recipe that includes celery....until now! :-)

  6. Yum!!!! A great one coming into winter!

  7. I love soups! I normally tend to stick to the same ones each winter but I'm determined to try some new ones this winter! This one will be at the top of my list :)

    Thanks also for the celery tip.We feed out bunnies all our limp celery but it will be good to use some more of it ourselves without it going limp as quickly!

  8. I'm arriving rather late to the link up party. Having one of those weeks and it's only Tuesday. That soup looks really delicious. We have the wet weather here in Perth and I've been craving soup.

  9. I am not a big celery fan but it does make for a cool science experiment to show kids how plants drink water (put celery in coloured water, leave for a few days!)!
    I love nothing more than a good soup in winter - sadly it's getting cold already so good soup weather!

  10. I've never been a fan of celery - with or without peanut butter. This soup looks rather enticing though, especially with a slice or two of thick, crusty, home made bread.

  11. I love potato soup, very interested in trying celery and potato soup. I'm sure it yummy!


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