
Friday, February 13, 2015

I can't believe the news today

My place in time #11  - I can't believe the news today

I found it quite amusing that he had the pirate flag flying, as his house was being re roofed.  It was like it had been taken under mutiny!

I can't believe, when I took this photo a few weeks ago, that this may be the last time I see a flag flown from the Mt. Gambier road flagpole.

Mr Harkness has been flying flags everyday for the last six years. It seems like he's been doing it forever. Such a shame that flag thieves have caused him to reconsider flying flags, from his extensive collection.

Driving this stretch of road just won't be the same, without glancing up and seeing which flag is flying this week. Most of the time, I have no idea what the flag represents or which country it belongs to. I do know I am going to miss seeing them, and I know that surely I am not the only one that found enjoyment in seeing the flags flown beside his house.

These two were taken in July last year. I'd been meaning to put the flagpole in a 'My place in time' for ages. Finally got round to it. Shame is isn't in better circumstances. I do hope those flags keep flying.


  1. That's such a shame. I hate when bad people make a good thing impossible.
    I do love that pirate flag!

  2. Oh poo. That really sucks. I hope he continues to fly his flags.

  3. How lousy when idiots spoil something that brings enjoyment. That pirate flag is pretty cool :)

  4. Oh what a shame!! Who would do that? (steal a flag) Love that pirate flag! :-)

  5. There's always someone out to spoil the fun and enjoyment of others! :(

  6. Aaaaarrrghhhh me hearties, I think we should make whoever stole the pirate flag WALK THE PLANK!

  7. What a brilliant idea to share different flags... imagine what he's been teaching young children in the area for years without them being consciously aware of it! I hope the town rallies behind him so he can continue to fly his flags♥

  8. Oh that's such a shame! That pirate flag is very interesting.

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  9. That's pretty cool and a real shame that there won't be any more flags!! :(

  10. Oh how rude that a couple of no hopers have ruined the joy for everyone :(

  11. It annoys me, random acts of selfishness. I'm sure karma will sort that person/s out! Have a happy weekend Alicia xx

  12. That pirate flag is awesome. Such a pain when a couple of @$#%wits have to ruin things for everyone else.

  13. It is a shame when one person can ruin the fun for everyone else. Love his flag idea.


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