
Monday, February 16, 2015

Flatbread wraps

I make these quite a bit. I like them for salad wraps, and for a soft wrap when we have tacos.

I like my tacos in a soft wrap, the kids don't mind it either. Brett isn't happy however if he doesn't have his hard crunchy taco shells. So I serve both.

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
3/4 cups water

Place flour and salt in a large bowl, make a well in the centre.

Mix water and oil, then tip into the flour well.

Combine to make a firm dough.

Divide the dough into 8. Roll out into thin discs, one at a time and cook for 2-3 minutes each side in a hot, dry frypan.

I also add a tablespoon of Maza zaatar spice blend or dried herbs. You could also use flavoured olive oil to add something extra to your wraps. The oil from a jar of sundried tomatoes for example.

You could use substitute one cup of flour, for wholemeal flour if you have it.

Summer loves a salad wrap for lunch


  1. Oh thank you so much for this recipe Alicia! My kids eat so many flat breads - they love them!
    I have made them in the past and have forgotten all about them again so I will try yours next!

  2. You do make it sound easy - I might give it a try...

  3. That's quite similar to roti made by Indians. Only difference is that uses whole wheat flour

    1. Really. I have to get some whole wheat flour and make it like that.

  4. That's quite similar to roti made by Indians. Only difference is that uses whole wheat flour

  5. Good on you for making your own wraps! They look delicious!! I'd try your recipe except I've given up bread amongst other things in my latest attempt to improve my various auto immune health issues and hopefully lose some weight (still waiting for that to happen!)!

    1. I try not to eat much bread either. I only have(well aim to. I've been very lax the past couple of months) starchy carbs at one meal and not mix it with proteins. So if I do have it, I only have it with salad or veggies.

  6. I will have to find a recipe that works with GF flour - I'm guessing it would be another one of those recipes that uses multiple flours to achieve a similar result. I'm too lazy to do much GF baking so I may just have to keep buying them pre-made from the shop. Good on you for making them from scratch - they look yum!

    1. They are yum Kirsty. Have you tried to use chick pea flour. I saw wraps made of that in a mag the other day. I love chick peas, so I thought they sounded good!

  7. Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! We just love wraps in our house. I love that the recipe is easy and simple.

  8. I love these wraps. I used to make something similar to go with my curries and this is perfect. You've motivated me to give them a go again.

  9. You always make these look so easy - and yummy! Another recipe I must give a whirl!

  10. I need to make some of these, we go through so much bread and this would be a great alternative for the girls!

  11. These looks yum, unfortunately they're not so good for our household of gluten-intolerance. No doubt there's a GF recipe about♥

  12. You are just a little too cool making your own wraps!! I am not sure I would be that organised or bothered!!

    1. They don't take too long, as long as I'm not too distracted. I am bothered, because they taste so good :)

  13. As part of operation 'don't be such a fatty' I have started eating heaps of wraps but they're expensive! Might try this! Does it have to be olive oil? x

    1. I have been so bad at not being a fatty. I could feel my scales tut tutting me. Putting the brakes on stuffing myself, I guess I forgot after Christmas. Operation loose pants here at the mo. Any oil will probably do :)

  14. This recipe looks great. Think I'll be making these for lunch this week, kids will love them. Thank you for sharing x

  15. Thank you very much for this tasty recipe, I loved it! I wish you a good week!

  16. Yum! I recall making something similar for an Aztec day and filling them with corn and such. I'll have to give these a go, sounds tasty.

  17. I dont mid making these but I'm like your hubby - I like the hard shells. Have you tried breakfast burritos! Lightly scramble eggs, place on warm wrap, add whatever veggies you like - capsicum, tomato, spring onions, mushrooms; add bacon. Wrap and enjoy!

    1. Joolz, I did have the notion of making egg and bacon wraps for breakfast for the fam, like maccas do. Didn't go there though, couldn't be bothered. Maybe I will this weekend!


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