
Monday, August 18, 2014

Lime and poppy seed biscotti

I haven't been around very much lately. 

I've had good days and bad, most bad. After three weeks on the medication,  things weren't improving much. 

I saw my counsellor for the first time on Friday, two weeks too late if you ask me. All she had to do was say "Tell me about yourself", and I lost it, couldn't speak without bawling. Got some stuff off my chest though and she upped my meds. I have felt a big change over the weekend.

It always seems these sorts of things happen when the people we need around, are out of town. Like Murphy's Law. One of those people is my sister. She's living the good life, travelling and seeing the sights in Ireland, with her boyfriend, in a Wicked van. I am loving seeing the photos she posts on Facey, she's having the time of her life, and it is much deserved.

Anyway before she left she said if I wanted limes, her tree had heaps. Saturday I ducked in and picked some. This is what I made using three of them.

Lime and Poppy seed biscotti

120 grams butter
2/3 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon lime zest (close enough is good enough)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2 Tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups flour
1 Tablespoon poppy seeds

Preheat oven to 180C.

Beat together butter, sugar, salt, baking powder and zest.

Add eggs, lemon juice and vanilla. Mix to combine.

Mix in flour and poppy seeds.

Divide the soft dough into half and make two logs, about 3 cm high and 5cm wide. Transfer to a greased and floured tray.

Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 25 minutes. Reduce the oven to 160C.

Cut the logs into 1 cm thick slices. Place on tray and bake for 30 minutes, turning once halfway through.

Let cool. Place in an airtight container. 

If you value your waistline, seal with three layers and duct tape, hide and forget you ever made them. They are so delicious! Or eat a few and make you friends very happy by giving them some.


  1. Oh Alicia I do hope you are feeling just the tiniest bit better with each passing day.
    Big hugs.
    Your recipe looks divine and merges two of my favourite flavours so will have to try. Xx

    1. Thanks Jody. I am slowly getting there.
      Hope you like them :)

  2. I'm glad that you are feeling a bit better, a shame it took them two weeks to see you, grr. Poppy seeds are yum but they ALWAYS get stuck in the gap in my front two teeth and NO ONE tells me! xx

  3. They look great - remind me of the Elaine & the poppy seed opium result tho...(get well soon!)

    1. And know that it's ok to cry and work through it (was not meaning to be glib)

    2. Sometimes crying helps, it's the anxiety bit that gets in the way.

  4. Oh lovely, it sounds like you've had a lot on your plate which makes it so hard to try and continue normally with everything else! I'm glad to hear you felt better over the weekend and I hope things are on the up for you now. Love this lovely recipe.

  5. Glad you are starting to feel better. It took me a while (and an increase in dose) of being on meds before I felt better but then it was like a new me once everything kicked in.

    1. I am working towards that time. I will get there :)

  6. This looks delicious, I love lime anything, and biscotti is always a yes. Thanks for sharing and I hope things look up for you soon.

  7. It's a terrible feeling when you feel so down and alone. I've been there and right now am finding I am getting a little down on some days again. I am freaking out about PND again, so much so that I am probably starting to create the problem for myself even before it has started. This is something I am working on. It's great to hear you are starting to feel better. Life, motherhood, relationships... it's all hard and you can only do the best you can. I do hope you start to feel happier again soon. xx

  8. Sorry to hear that things have been so rough for you and I'm glad you were able to talk to someone and get things off your chest. Thanks for sharing those delicious pics. It's 3pm and my mouth is watering. Take care xx

  9. Wow the biscotti looks amazing. Glad for a recipe to use up some limes. I so hope you start feeling better soon Alicia! Virtual hugs and kisses from me xxxxooo

    1. Thanks Tanya. You could try making some lime curd! I'm putting a recipe up for lemon curd on Friday, if you want to try that with limes :)

  10. Glad you are feeling a little better.... And if all else fails, find some yummy food to eat! This looks great!! Man I really wish I could cook, or had more time to cook!!

  11. Sorry to hear you've been struggling...I'm glad though you've gone to see someone. Sometimes we think we can cope on our own but it's good to ask for help! Take care Alicia!

    And re the recipe...that looks so yummy! I really need to start making time to try out all the yummy recipes I see online...

    1. I am so glad I went to the doctor! Now you need to make time to make some yummy recipes lol :)

  12. Your biscotti looks divine Alicia! I do hope that this week is a better one for you. Kate x

  13. That looks so yummy! I hope the week gets better for you x

  14. Would you believe I've just been given some limes and didn't know what to do with them! Awesome... I look forward to baking these and sharing with my clients this week. Thanks Alicia ♥

    1. I love being given free fresh produce! I hope they like the biscotti x

  15. Big hugs lovely lady. One day at a time... it's advice I'm trying to live by at the moment too. x

  16. Ha ha I love the duct tape idea. I put them in the fridge next door (in our old shed house) - can't be as bothered going to get them. I love the sound of this recipe too.

    I am glad you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks Trish. I am slowly feeling a bit better everyday. Two steps forwards, one step back a bit at the moment.
      I really should have taped the container though!


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