
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lake Mountain snow resort

It's been two weeks since we returned from our cold holiday. We ventured into Victoria, staying our first night in Ballarat, then moving onto the high country of Marysville and Lake Mountain. Never was I ever so grateful for powered sites, so we could heat the caravan.


  1. Replies
    1. It was pretty good. Bit exhausting walking back up hill all the time :)

    2. Ah I remember! I think I consoled myself by thinking how many calories I could compensate for at dinner!

  2. This looks like a tonne of fun and makes me want to venture to the snow for a play. I've only been once before and I am so glad you stayed warm.

    1. Even though we were rugged up, my nose and cheeks were always cold.

  3. I hear you, we went to Perisher (stayed in Jindabyne in our toasty caravan).
    Love your snow adventures.

    1. Thanks Trish. It was nice in the caravan, but had to frug up to go to the loo, and out of the shower away from the warm water it was freezing!

  4. Looks like fantastic fun. We've just come home from a sunny holiday and I'm now freezing at home!

    1. It was actually warmer for us at home lol! We must have been mad going to colder weather!

  5. It does look BLOODY FREEZING, but very picturesque!!

    1. It was bloody freezing, but great to check out some parts of Australia we hadn't been to :)

  6. That looks like the most awesome family holiday. I love snow. I'm addicted to it actually - i take my daughter skiing each year. It's a fabulous bonding for us and as she grows and skis with me we have this wonderful common interest. As for the nature, the fresh mountain air, the coziness ... oh, we returned about a month ago from a few days in Thredbo, i could do it all again. ::-)

    1. We've been to Falls Creek before we had the girls. Our older son love it and learnt to ski in no time. It would be great to take the girls back there when they are a little older.

  7. Yep it can sure get cold - we stayed in Jindabyne years ago (so we could go to Perisher / Thredbo) and it got down to MINUS 10 one night, I actually felt a bit cold that night despite a warm doona and a heater in our caravan!

    1. The first night in Ballarat there was frost everywhere in the morning. The toilet block was like ice! Not very nice. I swear I was turning blue lol.
      We woke to frost in Marysville too. But we were lucky the day up in the snow was a beautiful sunny day.

  8. Great fun, good jumps! Beautiful photos!

  9. Gosh that looks awesome! We're hoping to do the snow maybe next year! x


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