
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Where I go to relax

My place in time #10

This is where I go to relax, to think, to revive. It's here that all my tensions are pulled from my body by the thundering sea. Where the fresh sea air cleanses my thoughts.

It's where I go when something big has happened, and I need some time for my brain to process it.

When I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Jake, which I was told off for. I didn't tell anyone I was going and I was far too preggers to be walking sandhills alone. I shrugged it off. I think it was the week before I was mowing  the lawn, what could a walk on the beach do? This was the days before mobile phones, ones that would fit in your back pocket anyway.

I came here and walked alone when I found out I was preggers with Izzy, and just the past weekend, on Saturday. Brett took the girls out and I needed to go to my place by the sea, on my own. 

Friday I fronted at the doctors clinic. I have depression. I've known it for a while but let it slide. It wasn't getting better, wasn't going away, so I am now in the process of healing myself. I will be OK. Like the Pantene ad, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

These are the photos I took while I was there, I was happy taking photos, being with myself. A good thing, considering I had a blubber on the way because I forgot my jacket. Silly. I didn't need it anyway.


  1. that looks like my kind of place Alicia. I have a beach I used to go to, I haven't been for a while though, definitely not on my own. I haven't had time. It's not as secluded as this one though, this one looks perfect.

  2. Stunning photos! I can see why you love to go there to relax!

  3. Looks like the perfect spot for alone time. I hope you are feeling stronger and happier really soon xx

  4. I have goosebumps reading this lovely.. so sorry hear you're doing it tough right now. It's a hard ole' life at times right? Strength to you - and those photos, just stunning, what a great eye you have for good shots!! xxx

  5. Beautiful photos. The beach is my spot, too. I hope you get to walk that sand as much as you need in your recovery x

  6. Beautiful photos, wonderful pristine beach to walk and enjoy nature!

  7. Gorgeous pictures - I used to head to the ocean but we live too far away now. One day I hope I live closer

  8. Lovely photos Alicia. Sorry to hear about your news, but it sounds like you have a solution in place! Take care of yourself. Hugs x

  9. Gorgeous pictures and the beach is my happy place too. The waves are really healing and I love that you have somewhere to escape to. Baby steps lovely xx

  10. I'm sorry to hear that you have depression. Pray that the sea breeze blows them away gently and over time. Good on you for recognising the signs and being proactive.

  11. Beautiful photos, Alicia. Very inspiring stuff! :)

  12. What a beautiful spot that you have! I find being near the water and taking photos so soothing but I don't have that luxury nearby...Am glad that you do and here's hoping it helps you heal... take care :)

  13. And why wouldn't you go there?! Just breathtaking :-) I hope you're doing ok xx


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