
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Creamy poached Basa

I use Basa fillet for this recipe. It's a fresh water fish, not too expensive and you'll find it in the seafood freezer section in the supermarket or in the deli at Woolworths. 

It is a thickish, white meat fish, with a mild flavour. It is really good with just a sprinkling of dry tarragon, a few small knobs of butter and baking in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes.

This is how I cook it mostly. This is how I love to eat it. So tasty.

I cut the cooked fish into four. Makes it easy to serve with a large spoon.

2 Basa fish fillets
Silverbeet, about 6 largish leaves(use kale or spinach instead)
1 small onion, sliced (or a small leek)
1/4 cup cream(I have used just water if you don't want it creamy)
1/2 teaspoon dried tarragon
salt and pepper

Using a small casserole dish, lay silverbeet leaves to cover the bottom of the dish. 

Scatter half the onion over the silverbeet, then layer on the fish. If the fish is too long, fold over the thinnest end to fit.

Scatter on dried tarragon. Scatter rest of onion on top of fish and then lay silverbeet on top. Pour cream over top, sprinkle over salt and pepper.

Cover and bake in oven for 20 minutes. If the fillets are thick and large, maybe closer to 30 minutes.



  1. I've never cooked Basa before, but you've got me curious now! It looks lovely served like that on the plate.

  2. Alicia this looks amazing and I am thrilled with the ease of preparation. I will definitely be trying this!

  3. That does look very tempting - I'll admit I've never even heard of Basa before!!

  4. Hubby doesn't eat fish so I miss out but this makes me drool, I'm a sucker for a creamy white sauce! I sometime get Basa just for me but eat it plain , boring!

    1. The sauce is the best bit, I can totally lick the plate clean ;) Make it like this next time you get it :)

  5. Looks delicious! I wonder if I could make this with Bream? Hubby caught some yesterday

  6. Hi Alicia,

    I'm new to your site (thanks to Creating Contentment who introduced me) and have just added a link to my post this week after publishing my first eBook 'Write to Heal'. I'm originally from SA and used to live on a farm.

    I'm always on the lookout for delicious fish recipes. Looking forward to giving this one a go. Blessings ♥

    1. Thanks for coming by and introducing yourself. I loved having a look at your blog and reading the snippet of 'Write to Heal' :)

  7. I am going to go to the supermarket on the way home and see if I can find some Basa. This meal fits out diet and looks really great.

  8. I've never cooked Basa or any other fish like this before. Looks yum! I love Barramundi so I would be inclined to use Barra :)

    1. I have never tried it with any other fish. I seems I will have to try.

  9. Yum! We often cook with basa, doing curried fish, or just lemon and herbs on the BBQ but I am definitely going to need to add this to my repertoire! The hubby loves silverbeet.
    Thanks for having us, I think I'll have to make #openslather part of my linky repertoire too!

    1. Oh Basa in a fish curry sounds awesome Sheridan. I am going to have to add that to my repertoire!

  10. Hi Alicia! Love the changes you made around here :)
    Thanks for hosting...have a good week!

    1. thanks Paula, I just made a new header. Felt like a change of scenery :) Have a great week too xx


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