
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tandoori Chicken

Yesterday was one of those days. I was particularly dreading an appointment late in the day, and I was sure I was going to need wine after it. Surprisingly and thankfully, it went well. It was a huge relief, I think for all involved. Hopefully it continues to be a positive step forward.

I didn't feel like the wine at all, but right now, I'm drinking it anyway!

As the girls went to sleep, all I felt like doing was slouching on the lounge and letting the world fall around me. Watch a bit of Masterchef, relax.

I then remembered the things I wanted to blog about. Some things that I know no one probably wants to know about. But things I wanted to blog about anyway. 

As I filled my wine glass I thought how clean my floor looked. I remember how dirty it looked WAS in the natural light of day, and realistically, still was. I should really sweep it. It will take me half a day to vacuum and hopefully mop it. I will deal with it tomorrow( or today, as you are reading this).

So here I sit, on this wet, windy night. Reclined, cloaked in a warm blankie, wine next to me, watching Masterchef, and blogging. 

This is the recipe for the Tandoori chicken I took along to an Indian night at my sister in laws. It was a great night. Everyone brought along an Indian dish, most of them dressed up, which was highly entertaining. 

As usual I went all out, and loved making the veggie curry and the condiments to go along with it. 

Tandoori Chicken
4 chicken Marylands, or a 1 kg, whole chicken
-Make three slashes in the thighs and breast pieces(if using a whole chook).

1/4 teaspoon hot chilli powder(I wimped out on the heat and used paprika)
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
salt and pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoons melted butter
-Mix these ingredients together and rub all over chicken and in the slashes. Set aside for 20 minutes.

1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped finely
2 cm piece of ginger, finely grated
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice 
slight pinch of powdered saffron(I just used a 1/4 teaspoon turmeric or a drop of yellow food colour)
1 small dried red chilli, chopped finely(or use chilli powder, or if you don't want heat, paprika)
1/2 cup greek yogurt
-Mix all together and spread mixture all over chicken. Cover and refrigerate for 12-24 hours.

Place chicken on a rack over a roasting pan and place enough water in to cover the bottom of the pan.

Spoon any left over marinade over chicken and drizzle with 2 tablespoons melted butter. 

Bake at 190C for 1 1/2 hours or until cooked. 

Cover with foil and rest for 10 minutes.

Cut into serving pieces and enjoy the crap out of that finger licking flavour! 

And after all that, I have just realised that a Heath Ledger movie is on! Yum!(on a different level ha ha) I really should get an early night!

Three things I know at the end of this day. 

  1. Tandoori chicken is bloody yummy.
  2.  Bad decisions as a parent will, eventually come back and bite you on the arse.
  3. Good decisions as a parent will keep rewarding you for the rest of your life. And that is the truth. 

Do your friends have themed dinner nights?
What cuisine night would you host? 


  1. Firstly you are looking fabulous, I am loving the new look!!
    Don't beat yourself up, parenting is the hardest thing in the world. It would be s easy if the kids were robots and did exactly like all the books say they should. Bloody kids and their personalities.
    Lastly I am coming over for dinner, be there in a few hours. That is the best looking recipe I have seen in ages!!

  2. Ha ha thanks Ann. The last thing I should be doing today is mucking around with the blog look!
    I'd have you over for dinner any time!

  3. I like to eat tandoori chicken but sometimes find them too dry. Yours look great!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. This is no way dry. Just make sure there is water in the bottom of the pan throughout the cooking and wrap up at the end with alfoil and it will be moist.

  4. Woo hoo! Lovin the new look :) Can you save me some of this tandoori chicken please? :) Looks delish! You're such a fab cook.

    1. Thanks Kaz, you are good for my ego! It is so tasty, you will love it!

  5. That chicken looks amazing - I'm not a huge fan of Indian dishes but that certainly looks like one I would eat !!!
    I hope your appointments continue to go in the right direction.
    Have the best day !
    Me xox

  6. Mmm Heath and spicy food - I'm sold! LOVE the new-look blog BTW.
    Glad the appointment went well.
    I love the advice about parenting will remember it.

    1. I was getting sick of that big header and having to wait to scroll through it to get to my own posts. Made it much smaller so I can start reading the post straight away. Such a great tip for other bloggers right there! I hope it didn't annoy too many readers as it did me :/
      So glad the appointment went well too. Such a relief.

  7. I will definitly give this a go - we are big fans of Indian in our house!

  8. I can't eat chilli. I love that you included an alternative of using Paprika instead. I'm going to try this I have some marylands in the freezer.

  9. Looks yummy, and a nice blog spot to visit. Thanks for the recipe.


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