
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Down the beach on a wintery day

I took the girls for a drive down to Southend to get out of the house. It was cold, and it rained on us in the end. But we had a good afternoon. 

I have been mucking around with photo editing on my laptop. When I saw these on my PC the colours and settings looked odd. So excuse if they look a bit funny. 

The angle of the laptop screen changes the way I see the pictures, so I might just stick to doing on the PC :)

My place in time #7 - Destruction
The seas have been high. It happens every year, but it seems more and more of the beach gets eaten away by the wrath of mother nature.

This is by the sailing club, which in years to come may well be in the ocean too! 

Looking back over to the sailing club


  1. Amazing colours and textures. I love the beach any day.

    1. Even though it was a bit cold and blowy, we had fun :)

  2. The beach in winter offers so much visually. Summer is stunning. Winter amazing.

  3. Beautiful shots! I want the one of the mess of seaweed up on my wall!

  4. Fabulous photos, I prefer the beach in the winter, I actually couldn't tell you last time I went to the beach, though we do live by the river and maybe that's why.

    1. It is good any time of year. I love getting mussels off the rocks and playing in the surf in Summer. As long as we're rugged up, it's good for a walk and a bit of lunch in the winter.

  5. Gorgeous Alicia, those waves look massive on the 5th photo. Looks chilly though x

    1. Probably a big swell on, there is usually much more jetty poking out of the water. I thought the same thing :)

  6. Beautiful photos. I really love that last picture, especially.

    1. There was so much cool stuff washed up on the beach.We don't usually see it, when the sea isn't as rough as it has been.

  7. Beautiful photos, wonderful beach!

  8. So nice to have the opportunity to visit the beach. Sure looks like a fine way to spend an afternoon!


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