Monday, July 14, 2014

Red Lentil and Sweet Potato Soup

I made this soup last Friday. I had one of those cook-up days; muffins, soup and stir fry. Good comfort cooking on a freezing cold day.

I shared my soup on social media, Instagram first, then shared it to Facebook(or Facey, as I like to call it). Endearing isn't it, even though Facey isn't giving us bloggers much love back. I also try to remember to share it to Google+.

I had a conversation with someone a couple of weeks ago about Facebook, they had no idea of my over-sharing tendencies. I didn't flaunt the fact either. You might call it 'not sticking up for myself'. I call it 'I don't like unnecessary confrontation'.

They said they didn't have time for people on FB sharing what they had for dinner. She didn't have time for it.

Fair enough. Each to their own.

I had a similar conversation with a library lady about food blogs in general. She was unbeknown to my blogging tendencies and commented that she found people that shared what they eat, boring.

I do feel kinda bad that I don't stick up for us bloggers in those situations. But if they don't like it, who am I to try convert them. I think I will just come across as some sort of blog pusher. If it's not their thing, it's not their thing.

So I will continue to be boring virtuous, no matter what they think and flaunt my #onemotherhenkitchen exploits, loudly and proudly, as boring to some as it may be. If you are one of those people, fark you(just quietly). I don't like confrontation, remember.

I think I am being inspiring. I inspire people to cook, just simple home cooked stuff, with simple yummy ingredients to make a decent meal. At least that's what I hope someone takes from my boring blogging.

To tell the truth, the more of my recipes I blog, the more I am finding I use my blog as my own personal cookbook.

I have my laptop on the bench top all the time! Unless the kids are using it for Youtube, I find myself googling my own recipes, instead of getting my hand written book of recipes out. Totally convenient. Just maybe when my kids are older they will google one of their mum's recipes too.

Because I am not above using rude words, I am often calling something that tastes good, Yum-ch-arse. If it is extremely good, you will find me licking the plate(only in the comfort of my own home though), however I am totally tempted when out for dinner. If you see me scraping the plate with my knife to get all the flavour off the plate, you can be sure I am attempting to lick the plate with poise.

Red Lentil and Sweet Potato Soup

1 x 375 gram packet of dry red lentils, rinsed
1 sweet potato, chopped into 2cm cubes(I left the skin on, it's up to you whether you peel it)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 sticks of celery, chopped
1 teaspoon coriander powder
2 coriander roots and stems
1.5 litres of water, or stock

Heat the oil in a large saucepan, fry the onion, garlic, celery, coriander roots and stalks until soft on a medium heat. Add the coriander powder and cook for a minute.

Throw in the lentils, sweet potato and water. Bring to the boil, then simmer, uncovered for 30 minutes.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

Blend with a stick blender. Serve.

I have garnished with chilli oil, greek yogurt and flat leaf parsley(you can use coriander if you have it). Yumcharse! :D

As a footnote, this is one of the photos and tips I've shared on Instagram. These are the leftover roots and stems of store bought coriander. I chucked them in the freezer to use in soups and casseroles. Flavour that would have otherwise been chucked in the chook scraps, or in the bin.

Don't say I don't give you the hot tips! ;P


  1. Great recipe! I agree regarding the online cookbook - I use my own blog to store my favourites and regularly do the same as you!
    As for your librarian, I don't find food post boring (quite the opposite), however I do find endless images of coffee the most dull thing on the planet!! Why do people post pics of their coffee?!

    1. lol. I have been guilty of sharing cups of tea. I don't mind the coffee shots, as long as the cup is interesting or it has those swirly pattern/pictures on the top!

  2. I get half my recipes from food blogs! Keep doing what you're doing Alicia.

    1. I will Toni! I love doing what I am doing here. I am enjoying sharing my garden, kitchen and my local area.

  3. I often talk about the blogging world and get strange looks but it's a gold mine out there! I'm trying to be more organised and one day I might actually made some dinner from scratch and then I will be boasting the fug out of it across every bloody social media site POSSIBLE! x

  4. Not boring to me, I love recipes! I must confess I have not yet come out of the closet re blogging :)

  5. I am not much of a foodie or a cook but I do love checking out your recipes and have bookmarked a few of them for one day when, hopefully, the chef in me will come out!!! Food blog your heart out I say!

  6. Please continue to share your recipes, I print them and add them to my cooking book with your name at the top, I don't think they are boring xxx

    1. Thanks Rae, you are an inspiration to me. My own personal cheer squad xx

  7. So yummy and so simple! I'm definitely making this...I have all the ingredients!

    1. i love that you have all the ingredients! Perfect weather for it x

  8. I am right inot making soups at the moment and this one looks totally you-oh-arse! Relieved to read you don't lick the plate when you go out for dinner :)

    1. So tempted though ha ha.

      This is a great thick tasty soup. Perfect for the weather we've been having down south :)

  9. Ohhhh is it Monday already?! Hope your having a good week...I've had the most boring weekend and hope the week is better myself :)


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