
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Roadtrip to the footy

After reading through a few #IBOT posts last night, I got onto cooking cupcakes for the photo day/morning tea at kindy tomorrow. It's not usually a kindy day for us, I'd have rather bummed around the house than had to be there at a quarter to 9 on our 'day off'. Oh well.

While the cupcakes cooked I uploaded these photos from our weekend in Adelaide. Twas a good one, except for the bit on Mother's day on the way home, where I sat in the back squished between two car seats with my annoying darling children either side.

It was like a little holiday. Except when we got home, I felt like I really need a holiday. Alone!

We stopped in Kingston, across the road from the Big Lobster to eat our ham sandwiches. The girls ate chips.

Keeper of the stereo aka Jake

So glad my boy decided to come with us.

On our way home, Mother's Day. We stopped at the Hahndorf Farm Barn. Rubber boots
is the best footwear. You tread on a lot of poo.

Summer was fearless. I was worried the goats were going to eat her jumper off her back!

See the paper feed bag. A deer would later take it and eat it, food, paper and all! It was hilarious.


  1. Wow that is some impressive crayfish!!! I love the look on the girls' faces! And kangaroos are also so cheeky when it comes to those nuts and bags, kids love feeding them at Dreamworld!

    1. As soon as we walked through the gate, we were barraged upon by goats, deer and geese all wanting the feed bags. The deer were so cheeky they just went straight for the bag, it made it hard to even get out a handful for any other animal.

  2. Looks like a great weekend despite the trip home!! Love an animal stealing a food bag!! Great pics!!

    1. Should have made Jake sit in the back on the way home. I was so glad he came with us, and being the wonderful mum, I let him sit in the front.

  3. Looks like special memories made for the Mothers Day weekend. Can't believe how fast your children are growing.

    1. Time flies too fast doesn't it?
      Being at the footy was a highlight.

  4. I love road trips, but you're right, you often need a break after them! Love the giant cray!!

  5. Awww looks like a lovely weekend! My Sienna used to have that exact same Big Bird t-shirt, she was most upset when she outgrew it and it 'disappeared' as it was her absolute favourite!

    1. I had it put away, it's a hand me down and it's just started to fit her. She loves it.

  6. These are great photos of your weekend Alicia. I love the one with the goats :)

  7. I have to say I had no idea there was such a thing as the Big Lobster. It's actually kinda creepy!


    1. We crossed the road so I could get a photo of the girls under it. I got one with Izzy, but Summer wouldn't go near it!

  8. Looks like you had a great weekend Alicia. Hope you are making plans for your next holiday!

    1. I would love to go away by myself! I could do with some rest and relaxation.
      We were going to QLD at the end of this year, but at the moment it has turned into a trip to the snow.

  9. What an adventure :) I love Summer's Big Bird T-shirt!

  10. Aww this was so lovely to see. The girls are little there of course! Thanks for linking up... D xx


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