
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Colouring in and paddicks

Izzy has been really getting into colouring in lately, and mazes, she loves mazes. I love it that she can sit in one spot quite happily for a while. 

I've been going to websites like ABC4kids, you know, the Giggle and Hoot channel, and Nick Jr, for printables of all her favourite TV characters. The printer is almost out of ink! 

I have a folder in the filing cabinet labelled 'kids printables', where I put all the extra ones I print out for a rainy day.

Back in my day, in the dark ages, when not every household no one I knew, had a computer and printer, my mum used to just do scribbles on paper and we would colour in the spaces. Turns out Izzy loves doing this!
Colouring in is quite addictive, you will get sucked in.

I did notice that one of the things on the four year old health check, that she will be doing in a few weeks, is colouring in a shape. I reckon she'll shit it in!
Refrigerator d'art nouveau 

I remembered this game too, that we called 'Paddicks'. Is that a word, or is it just paddocks? Maybe it's an australian thing. 

Anyway, the page is gridded full of dots. Each person take turns connecting the dots with a line. When a box is formed, the player puts their initial in the box. When the page is full of 'paddicks', the player with the most formed is the winner. My brothers and sisters would play this 'til the cows come home. The worst bit is putting all those dots on the page to start with.

I have made a printable game of 'Paddicks' to make the work easy, if you are looking for something to keep kids amused for hours! You can download it here. It could possibly be a good travelling game for older kids, or a game for rainy days to keep them occupied, besides screen time. 

Does your fridge look like mine? 
Remember doing any of this in your childhood?

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  1. We just called it squares!! I am actually sussing out printers at the moment and will print yours out for sure when I get one!! What an easy fun game, great for little ones learning maths etc.

    1. Izzy and I had a quick game, on her etcha sketcher. She did get the concept, but I had trouble convincing her to only draw one line at her turn. She liked to cheat too!

  2. I remember colouring heaps as a kid too! My daughter loves colouring and painting as well. Never heard of "paddicks" before but I think it'll be interesting for her :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  3. Yes our fridge looks like that - and I am so going to make one of these for my girl so do when she gets home from school today! - Thanks for sharing x

    1. I have a freezer next to the fridge that is just as full of paintings and drawings. Summer has taken to hanging up her own as soon as they are done. It gets to the stage where nothing stays up there and keep falling off!

  4. Love those scribble pages - I have never seen that before! Might have to try it for PJ this afternoon - love that fridge xx Josefa #teamIBOT

  5. Oh I had no idea what that game was called, but we used to play it during church all the time. :)
    I like the idea of colouring in the shapes. I might try that with Ava.

  6. My daughter has a gallery where we display all her art and craft. Printables are a great way for them to keep themselves entertained.

  7. Bell and I are both a bit addicted to colouring! I love that she does something that's not online.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. So much kids do inside these days involves a screen.

  8. Yes, we called it squares too :) I used to do that all the time, and hang man and battleship are good ones for pen and paper too. Memories :)

    1. I had totally forgotten about hangman! I can't wait until Izzy can spell so we can play that too.


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