
Friday, April 11, 2014

Lake Mac in Autumn

My place in time #19
Something that was here 20 years ago.

One of the best local places to take kids to get out of the house for a walk around in nature. This is Lake McIntyre situated just on the outskirts of town.

It used to be a council sandstone quarry used for building the saleyards and local roads and streets. In 1991 a committee was formed to create this wonderful wetland.The water comes from the natural water table which rises and falls with the seasons.

The lake is home to, at one time or other, to around 80 different resident and migratory birds. Other animals you might see are tortoises, frogs, swamp rats, echidnas, possums, owls as well as snakes. This is why we don't go for walks around in the height of summer.  

I've been coming here with my kids for the past 20 years. It has become a beautiful place with the work of tireless volunteers in conjunction with the Wattle Range Council. We are so lucky, for such a small community to have such fantastic places like this, for us and tourists to visit.

We found a patch of muntrie berries, I took some home and used them in hot cross buns. This  native berry can be substituted for sultanas in cooking and salads.

So much birdlife around right now, these I think, are straw-necked Ibis. I only know
this from the birdwatching pamphlets at the information bay at the lake.


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos. what a gorgeous place! I love going for walks in the bush and around places like this (minus the snakes). That's awesome that there are volunteers working to maintain the area. Love the ibis and the bridge too ;)

  2. The sun was warm this day and I was wary of snakes still around, I DO NOT want to come across one of those!

  3. What a beautiful place! It reminds me a little of a place near where I live, it's actually part of the river, but it's a shallow, slow-flowing part (until there is a flood, then look out!) but it's home to so much wildlife and beautiful things, it's a great place to take the girls exploring.

  4. I feel like a bad local! I had no idea that it was so lush and beautiful out there. I've probably only walked around the lake once or twice and certainly not recently. My husband's father had his funeral service out there, under the sheoaks, back in 2006 and it was nice back then but obviously a lot more work has been done since then. Will pencil it in for a sunday drive and walk soon.
    You are a great ambassador for our region! :)

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  5. I really miss NZ when I see your photos. Where we live in Oz is so not green. Beautiful xx

  6. Oh, look at all that wildlife! My family would love to visit! You've captured some breathtaking images x


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