
Monday, April 14, 2014


My place in time #31

***bad language warning***

This made me angry last week. Several little bastards went on a graffiti rampage around town. Apparently the mayor had a few colourful words to say, and when I saw it, I did too.

I hope they catch the little f*&^ers.

It seems as I have got older I have gained more pride for the wonderful town and area I live in. I don't like seeing it being vandalised. 

We have been pretty lucky up until last week that our community buildings haven't been subjected to this sort of thing. It is very disappointing.


  1. Vandals and taggers REALLY get my goat, they are cowards who can only do what they do under the cover of the night. I hope they get caught. And the cost to the council to remove it will be in the thousands, so sad :( Thanks for linky and please feel free to add one to mine if you want lovely x

    1. I am so disappointed as a local person, who pays rates and who has pride in my community.
      Added to your linky, have nothing hilariously funny and recent to add, so I put up something old. Hope that was OK xx

  2. Little bas**rds. Don't kids have enough things to entertain them these days with the internet, playstation, movies etc? I don't understand why they need to do this crap.

    1. Some kids are just seriously disadvantaged and have a crap home life, that is the only explanation I can think of that they would be out at an hour to be so destructive. Surely someone saw them walking across town to do such damage. Or driving! Has it really come to that we need cameras to ward off vandals in our town community? As it is our local playground has surveillance, which is right next to the skatepark!

  3. Disgusting. I hope they find these kids and make them clean up every single little bit...and more.

    1. It would be great if that's how it worked out, alas, someone else will end up trying to get this off. Turds.

  4. I just don't understand mindless vandalism, I hope they get caught. Thanks for hosting the link up.

    1. Thanks for joining in Danielle. I hope they are caught too, they will be sorry for being caught and I doubt have much remorse for what they actually did though, which is the sad thing.

  5. Mongrels! And its not even good grafitti! Looks like a bunch of 14 year old, ill educated shits did it! As always, these poor, hard done by louts would be the first to scream if someone stole or defaced their property. If they get caught it will be a slap on the wrist because of their 'circumstances'! I say name and shame - parade them up and down the main street then put them to work scrubbing that crap off! I'm furious!

    1. I would agree Joolz, I would like to see them paraded. Some of it looks like it has tried to be removed, by someone who shouldn't have had to. Not fair. I was angry too, especially the words on the skatepark and the defacement of the swimming lake. I hope they see what they have done wrong, I hope it wasn't locals, as I don't want this to continue.

  6. That's just wrong! It's just mess, it's not clever, it's not art. We have a fabulous little alley in town that has been utilised by some really creative Graf artists for proper graffiti, not that tagging shit, and it's great, Punky always wants to have a look and see if they have done something new, and since they did it, it has stopped the alley from just being tagged with that kind of mindless graffiti. Tagging is just bored kids with no respect for anything.

    1. I wasn't too fussed when I saw it at the skatepark initially. I thought that maybe they were allowing semi professionals to do some graffiti there. But when I learnt they did it everywhere around town and saw the 'c' word I was pissed off! I agree it isn't good, it is just crap tagging and vandalism.

  7. That is so disgusting. It always amazes me that no-one sees them doing it. It would have taken alot of time to do all of that. Some kids are just so thoughtless!

    1. That's what I thought, surely someone in town saw, or knows who did it. Not everyone is in this team we call community sadly.

  8. Scumbags. If they are caught and under 18 their parents should be punished too. I have zero tolerence for graffiti,
    Ps Are we slathering next week?

    1. Ann, yes I will be putting up a linky next week. Open slather is always open! I am not expecting too much action though being a public holiday :)

  9. How horrible... I hope the little f#!kers get caughts as well!!! No respect or pride! so so sad..

    1. I just hope if they are caught they have enough conscience to see what they did was wrong.

  10. Little wankers, hope they get caught. Today on my walk I saw a group of four young teens get up from a park bench and leave all of their leftover food and drinks. Though it best not to say anything as I was outnumbered. x

    1. It is disappointing isn't it. Hopefully when they get older they see the errors of their ways and teach their kids differently.

  11. Oh my, I saw at least one very ugly word. Terrible people.

    1. I know Paula! Sorry for that. That really got my blood boiling, especially when there are so many impressionable kids, who can read, using that space.

  12. This makes my blood boil too. Graffiti-ing is such a selfish act. I hate seeing it. Our suburb's sign constantly gets graffitied or stolen... Just. Not. Funny.

  13. No cool! It just wrecks what a place looks like ... it isn't even artistic, at all. Little Sh*ts (or big ones)! Who is teaching them right and wrong and what were they thinking?

  14. That's shocking... I like Graffiti Art but this is just a criminal and disgraceful act.

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