
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Where all the cool kids go

My place in time #66
My place in time is a local area history project set by Kell at Blackcurrant photography

We are in the middle of a heat wave. Yesterday it was 43, and supposed to be the same today, and a crazy 44 on Thursday.

With it also being school holidays, our local swimming lake is being well used. It is filled in early November until about March, and maintained by the council. 

Back in my day(when I was a teenager, without a care in the world), you'd take your chances and go for a swim; in the hope you weren't going to come out of with an infection of some sort. Back then it wasn't chlorinated like it is these days. Thank gawd for that!

The high school holds it's swimming carnival here in February, and there are VACSWIM lessons happening now. Izzy will do these next year, when she's 5.

I took the girls down for a swim and some nuggets and chips for lunch from the lake shop, the chips aren't bad, as long as you eat them before the seagulls try to! Then it was home to the air conditioning.


  1. Stay cool in that heat. I am not sure I can cope with consecutive days of heat like that. Great pictures and what a great pool. We have a similar council run pool which I should really make an effort to use more!!

    1. We came here everyday for a cool down dip and an icypole. It was always packed.

  2. That looks so nice and refreshing. We also had 44 degrees in Melbourne yesterday! Unbearable. Hope you get through today ok. We're bracing ourselves too for another scorcher. x

  3. Looks like lots of fun! Perth & WA are not doing too well either in the heat stakes-stay cool xx

  4. Such a lovely big space for everyone to cool down and enjoy. Awesome pics.

  5. Wow that looks cool! I wish we had something like that here.

  6. Sure does look like a great place to cool down, WOW 44C is HOT! And so are you toenails by the way! xx

    1. Oh thankyou, I have to make my ugly feet look good somehow ;)
      It was awesome to come down and cool off, nice actually to get out of the house, even though it was crazy degrees out there.

  7. Looks like the perfect way to stay cool! I must admit I'm not a fan of the 40+ days here, we Kiwis just aren't designed for it!

  8. I am sending you cool thoughts. The weather is just plain stupid at the moment. Still reeling from losing 55 homes in our recent fires.

    1. That's the worst thing about this weather, stupid hot, winds and storms bring the fires. I was a bit miffed at hanging my washing up with the smell of smoke, but felt awful as my thoughts turned to people that morning preparing to leave their homes, pulled at my heart strings actually.

  9. Very funny pictures in the pool!

  10. Words are fine it is just less words :)
    Thanks for linking up gorgeous pics.

    1. No worries Trish. Thankyou for hosting my favorite linky, I love sharing my photos ;)

  11. It's 46 degrees here today, and gosh, these photos of yours make me want to find the nearest pool and jump into it!

    1. It was the perfect place to go to cool down, lots of shady trees, ice creams at the shop, and lovely clean cool water :) The kids loved it. You will have to come and visit if you travel down South one day :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I love that the swimming carnival and the VACSWIM lessons are held in a lake! Some of the primary school where we live in Busselton in WA have their lessons in the ocean in an area they rope off to protect from sharks just near the Busselton Jetty. Your lake looks like the perfect place to spend those sticky 40+ degree days :)

    1. VACSWIM do swimming lessons just down the road at the sea too. It's great to come down and cool off here, the kids love it.

  14. I love how much you've done with your #myplaceintime list! Great work. Do you have a page with all the prompts you've blogged about listed? I'd love to share it with my Facebook crowd.

    Kell =)

    1. I have been pinning them into a board on Pinterest - My place in time. There's a button to get there at the top of the sidebar. So looking forward to putting them all into a book when I finally finish all 100 prompts :)
      The posts are labelled, so searching 'My place in time' in the blog search bar will bring them all up :)
      Thanks for sharing xx


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