
Thursday, January 16, 2014

A glorious day by the sea, except for the dead thing

Boggy had an RDO on Monday, it was going to be hot, so we headed off to Beachport for a spot of takeaway lunch at Woolleys Rock, and a look around at the rockpools.
Hello my yummy friend, long time no taste :)
We drove to Southend along the beach, it was absolutely bloody gorgeous and much cooler than in town.

While cruising along we spotted something big(and dead) on the beach and stopped to have a look. We couldn't work out what it was, probably a whale. Whatever it was it must have been in the sea a while before it washed up. It looked like a huge turtle at first, but there is no way they grow that big!

We stopped further along the coast, closer to Southend and let the girls have a paddle. Sum LOVED it, we were finding it hard to keep her out of the water.


  1. Wow! We were at Blueys and there were 100's of dead mutton birds - it was weird. They reckon they get tired in the migration or can't get food and die then get washed in, but there were soooo many - I think it must be something more suspicious. Then in Adelaide there was a full dead shark on the beach - just a little one, but it was weird (and desiccated). The world is warning us...

  2. ah beautiful ... except the dead thing, it is just interesting.

  3. That's a very interesting dead thing isn't it! Lovely pics too. Today, with an expected temperature of 44 degrees in Melbourne, I am very much wishing I were there!

    1. It was much cooler down on the beach, it was really noticeable once we got off the beach and drove home on the bitumen, how warm it actually was.

  4. Stunning photos. I really need to get myself a decent camera... you've inspired me. My Nokia phone just doesn't cut it. I reckon it was a turtle.

    1. I just have one from Target, I wish I had a better one. I am only just working out how to use it properly.

  5. Looks like you had a great time. That dead thing! ewwww looks like a turtle. :)

  6. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one that investigates dead things! Looks like you had a beautiful day... ahh, mostly... at least dead things are science!

  7. Well, it is a very interesting dead thing. Trips to the beach can be very educational like that! Looks like a beautiful day overall though.

  8. Gorgeous day out lovely and that is a cool thing to see washed up! Mmmm chiko .... xx

  9. That is one big dead thing! I bet the old Chiko tastes the same as it did ever did. xx

    1. It was, still not entirely sure what it was. Yep, chiko rolls still taste good :)

  10. Holy crap! Major dead thing.
    Gorgeous looking beach
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  11. OMG I havent had a Chiko roll in forever!!!!! Looks like a gorgeous day! xx Lucy from Bake Play Smile

  12. What a gorgeous spot ...... aside from the dead thing lol x

  13. Lovely photos, it looks like you had a wonderful day. We would have investigated the dead thing too, it looks very odd!

  14. I've seen a stingray washed up on the beach!

  15. Looks so beautiful, except for the dead thing. That looks smelly! I need to get to the beach again, its been too long (a couple of months, and that's definitely too long, especially for Punky!).

    1. It's a beautiful stretch of beach, about 15 km I think. Great swimming beach for kids.
      The thing didn't pong much when we first pulled up, but we did get a few whiffs of it, and we were out of there!

  16. That is one huge dead animal. The beach looked gorgeous! Love getting out with family fun filled time :)


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