
Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Beachport Cinema

My place in time #41 - What's showing at the movies
My place in time is a local history photo project set by Kell at Blackcurrant photography

The little seaside town of Beachport swells to mammoth proportions over the holiday period. This cinema runs movies throughout the Summer to keep the tourists entertained, and several screenings throughout the year for local fundraisers, the supper and a movie type of thing.

On the topic of movies. Did you ever see the Bryan Brown movie Sweet Talker? It was made in Beachport, with many locals appearing as extras.

Linked up at Totally Thursday at Jacana



  1. I haven't seen or heard of that movie but 'The Broken Shore' that was partly shot in Portland is screening on ABC2 on Sunday @ 8.30

    1. Oooh, I'll have to put a reminder on the telly. That will be interesting.

  2. Where you an extra? Love old movie theatres, bet it has wooden floor boards.
    We are about to lose our drive in which is a little sad.

    1. We used to have a drive in here years ago. I wasn't an extra! I can't remember the floor boards, I do remember it had the old seats. It's been a while since I actually watched a movie there, it was Paul Hogan and 'the castle' guy in Strange bedfellows I think, so probably 2004, it was supper and a movie :)

  3. I love movies, small went every week, but now is very expensive!

  4. Oh, that looks like a great place to catch a flick! I haven't seen American Hustle yet. I hear it's great!

    1. I haven't seen it either, eventually will I say, but not at the movies. It's been too long since I sat in a movie theatre.

  5. That is SO cool, there is a similar movie place in Wanaka, NZ, it's cosy, with couches, old sofas, and they serve food and drink to you, like home-cooked food. Was such a great place to go x

  6. Where I grew up has a similar movie theatre. I used to love going to the movies there. The chairs were awesomely comfy because they were like hammocks. The projector is also only small so there is an intermission so they can switch the reel over. I remember watching Titanic at the moments and they had 3 intermissions because the reel was so big lol!

    1. The seats in this one when I was last there, were the olden day ones, I am pretty sure the were stuffed with horsehair or something! Intermission was awesome, home cooked goodies that the fundraising ladies had made.


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