
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Little Corellas

Evenings on these Summer nights are chorused with cricket song(if you can call it that), and the squawking of Little Corellas. Our back fence is bordered with gums, and these birds come to roost at night, being their most noisiest around sunset. They are around during the day chattering about, but no where near as loud.

They are hated by most people. I don't mind them, but, and I'm surprised, they haven't crapped all over the washing yet! Maybe they like me too.

Also known as 'Blood stained Cockatoo' for the pink markings

These two were having a heated discussion


  1. there is a massive flock (??) of them down where I play tennis. They are SOOOO NOISY!! beautiful, but LOUD! we have lorikeets around our house - outside our windows at 5am. no wonder we never sleep in! zzzzzz.

    1. They are everywhere at the moment, I saw a HUGE flock of them down near the playground yesterday. I'm glad that many don't roost at my place!

  2. I don't mind them either. However there is talk over here about culling them.

  3. we occassionally get rosellas in the bottle brush at the front of the house. Native birds are so pretty, but can be a bit of a nuisance too, the cockys use to peck at my FIL back door!

  4. They let you get up nice and close to them with the camera - they must be very confident cockeys! ... or do you just have a really good zoom? :) we don't have any where we live these days, but we did when I was growing up. A massive flock of them used to come and hang from my mum's friend's clothesline every night and she would feed them. I'm not sure exactly how many would come, but there would have been at least fifty. It was quite a sight to see! I like your positive outlook on them 'they haven't crapped all over the washing yet'. LOL!

    1. They aren't scared off at all, I was standing under the tree in the backyard taking photos, talk about cocky! The tree is only six metres from the line, and the trees surrounding the fence, that's why I am so surprised. Surely one of them would poop on the washing!

  5. As a Kiwi I LOVE native birds, they all sound great to me! However, I especially love the nectar eaters that come for the native we purposely planted, my parents have the best selection though, as almost 2 acres entirely in natives! x

    1. They would get so many visitors to their garden :)

  6. Gorgeous, you are lucky to have those visitors.


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