
Thursday, December 12, 2013

My local library

My place in time #78

On Thursdays, most Thursdays since Isabel was about six months old, we have been going to our local library for Baby Bounce.

We gather there with other Mums with their kids and sing nursery rhymes, led by one of the library ladies, usually Anne(the kids love her).

Sometimes the kids sing along, sometimes they are just not into it and just play, or deliver book after book to me and then walk off!

It is a great opportunity to catch up with other mums, or just have some time out from home.

'My place in time' is a local area history project set by Kell at Blackcurrant Photography


  1. They offer so much now - we do some of the holiday activities, story time and I go to book club. I've even been to a few of the free movie nights with an elderly's quite the hub of the community.

    1. Ours seems to be a great community hub too, from little kids up to the elderly who do computing lessons! Our local art gallery is there too.

  2. We really enjoy going to our local library too. They have a great kids area, and my big boy just loves picking out books to read and take home.

    1. I'm not so much of a fan of taking home the books, Summer drew in one of the last ones she borrowed! They do very much enjoy going there.

  3. I agree with Lydia, our local library is amazing with what they offer. I just recently received their holiday program, it is fantastic. We went last week and they'd put together little packages of christmas books, CD's and DVD's and wrapped them in ribbon and put under the tree, you could pick a pack to borrow. I love the library!

    1. Oh the packs sound like a great idea, ours has a bookshelf placed near the kids area with loads of christmas books. Ours have activities for kids, usually craft and story telling in the school holidays :)

  4. Looks like a lovely spot hun - we just got a new library and there is a slide, and cubbys for kids to hide in and read books, it's ultra trendy and I feel bad sshhing the kids because everyone else is running around like maniacs and no one blinks an eye!

    1. Thursdays when we are there seem pretty rowdy and always busy, there are a few things on the same day. The oldies are there learning to use the computers and there is some study or training thing on for people on the dole. No one seems to mind, it's a bit noisy with us all singing Baa Baa black sheep etc. with maracas and bells!

  5. I need to make the Library one of our outings during the week. Esther loves books and Magdalene loves looking at the pictures. They offer so many free activities these days. It's just one of those places I never think of when looking at going somewhere for the morning.

    1. What is so good about it is, everything is free. They usually have a comfy lounge for me and lots to do for the girls. If you're lucky like me there is an urn with free coffee or tea, and biscuits!

  6. Local libraries are still important community hubs and I'm so glad they offer services to a variety of age groups. Your local looks especially family friendly!

    1. It is pretty awesome and definitely a community hub. I am so glad they have done some improvements overall that benefit everybody. It will be very busy over the holidays with young people now they are not at school.

  7. My book club meets at the library and funnily enough, we were just discussing this week whether libraries will continue in the future...and we figured they would because it's now become more of a community gathering than just to borrow books. The groups you describe are just one example. I love libraries and used to work at the uni library when I was job ever! :D

  8. Your local library looks really cool. I have never been to ours but it has been on my to-do list for ages. I know they have a kids story time one day but I'm not sure if it's Mondays or Thursdays. I am definitely going to get Dave to come with me when I take both the girls the first time though as Punky is such a riffian I'm worried she will destroy the place while my hands are full with Zee!

  9. Good to see your project coming along! I used to adore my library when I was growing up. I really wish I'd thought to take photos inside when I had the opportunity. It was relocated and demolished about 18 years ago and the new one never quite had the same feel. I kind of miss things like the card catalogues!


  10. Love that photo of your girls holding hands.


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