
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Let's go fly a kite....

My lovely sister in law looked after the kids Monday, I got to shop, on my own. Got the christmas gifts sorted, just have to get my Dad some scratchies and Boggy....something. What, I don't know.

This year I've been diaryless, I missed out on one of the Gardening Australia diaries last year, they sell out fast. While I grabbed one for Mum for chrissie, I nabbed one myself. I love them! I will be way more organised next year, I hope.

I filled my arms full of stuff at our local Target Country. I only went in there for one thing, but walked out with lots of markdowns, like my sexy cosy sock slippers. It's still quite cold here, supposed to warming up in the coming weeks though, so we should have nice weather for Christmas. Picked up a kite too out the bargain bin and we went flying yesterday. 

Have you got Christmas sorted?
Found any bargains while out shopping?


  1. well done on getting the shopping done! Looks like the kids had fun with kite too!

    1. They had a great time down at the cricket oval, I enjoyed it too :)

  2. I'd been thinking lately that kite flying would be something fun to do in the holidays. Now you've inspired me - it's definitely going to happen now! Love this series of photos. And no, I do not have Christmas sorted, not at all! But you have given me an idea for a pressie for my son!

    1. I am usually the one that leaves it all until the last minute. I am quite chuffed that I am so organised. This kite seems to be a good one, I had fun flying it too, it was the perfect day for it, it was in the air the whole time.

  3. Awww, love the finger-up-the-nose-while-concentrating-intently pic! Well done on (almost) nailing your Christmas shopping too!

    1. I am relieved to be almost done. I always leave it til the last minute. Everyone is coming to ours on xmas day, so I will be busy enough that last week! Great 21st photo that one :)

  4. I still have a lot of shopping to do :( I was off to a good start and got distracted! Cute photos!

    1. I hope the rest of your shopping goes well. I went with beach towels for most of the nieces and nephews which was way too easy!!

  5. What is it with young kids and their bloody nose pickings?! And we're keeping Xmas simple, hubby made redundant two weeks ago so I'm trying to drum up more work - makes life a bit more stressful but it could be worse, at least we're healthy! Isn't your oldest really tall?? xx

    1. Oh no! that was us last year, hubby was made redundant in October, we are just getting back on an even keel after a year. We only buy for the kids, under 18!, otherwise it gets a bit ridiculous, and for my mum and dad of course.
      It looks like she could leap the footy club rooms in a single bound! She is pretty average height for a just turned 4, I think the photos are a bit deceiving. I think she will most certainly be more than my 5 foot 2 though when she gets older, I hope for her sake :)

  6. Great photos of your kids! Looks like the kite was an excellent buy.

  7. We love flying kites here - we also go to the oval to make sure there is lots of running space. I think I am sorted for Christmas I hope.

  8. I love the pics and kites.

    (Little white rabbit ...aka Late better than not)


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