
Monday, November 4, 2013

Busy, busy...

It's all happening. This time of year is always busy, it all seems to be snowballing and before I know people will be pulling up for christmas lunch. 

We've just done Halloween. Kids everywhere, it was awesome. Awesome to take my kids out this year too. Summer was on to it after the second house and couldn't wait to get out of the car and get to the front door with her purple bucket. Boggy stayed home and gave out the treats this year.

I cracked up laughing as soon as I had finished painting her face, she looked bloody funny, a bit cute and just the a bit spooky. They both have enough candy to keep them going for a long while.

Yesterday Izzy had her gymnastics concert. She did so well, cartwheeling, somersaulting, trampolining and balancing along with the other Tiny Tots. 

The head coach is retiring and there is no one willing to take over, so kindergym and tiny tots may not be carried on next year. I may have to ask if she can go straight into the five year old class, because she is so keen and after seeing the other gymnasts perform today she is already trying and doing some daring shit.

This week will be busy too. Our local show is on this coming weekend. I've entered Izzy in the kindergarten individual section of the indoor displays. This involves seven classes in the competition. A painting, a drawing, a craft piece, 3 decorated biscuits, 3 chocolate crackles, 6 hens eggs, a vase of flowers. It's going to be fun. She's done the drawing and the craft item so far.  

I've entered 26 photos in the photography section. This is one of my favourites I took a year ago of the Beachport jetty for the black and white class, and one I took last week for the class 'a touch of blue'.

It's the first time for both of us entering stuff in the show, we're going to drop them off on Thursday for judging on Friday morning. Excited for both of us. It doesn't matter if we don't win anything, at least we joined in.

The girls will have a joint birthday party on Sunday, Izzys 4th and Summers 2nd. I'm not even going to attempt to make two cakes this year, I am going with already made off the shelf at Woolies for Izzy(she wants Spiderman), who knows what she will choose come Saturday arvo. Summer is having an icecream cake straight from the freezer section! No superwoman cape for me this weekend, thank gawd. 

Is your life busy, busy, at the moment?
Ever entered something in a country show?
Are you a birthday cake baker?


  1. WOW that is one great flip by Izzy. Impressive.
    The girls look great in their costumes. A teacher I work with gave out toothbrushes for Halloween this year as she shares a house with a dental nurse.
    Good luck with your entries in the country show. I do like your photo for the touch of blue.

    1. I'd be quite impressed if they got new toothbrushes in their buckets, they need new ones! I was surprised when she started doing her cart wheels with a run up. She was very interested in watching the older, more advanced gymnasts in the concert and took too much notice I think :)

  2. You have one very talented gymnast in the house, Alicia! I remember when I was little, there was nothing more fun than doing cartwheels through the house :) Love the girls' Halloween costumes too. Great photographs - all the best in the comp (keep us posted!)

    1. She is very much into her gym, I'm glad we've found something that she likes to do and is good at :)

  3. I think your photographs are wonderful and you will do well. You can also add face painting to your list of talents! You have a busy week planned...sounds like fun. Enjoy.

    1. Thank you so much, you're good for my ego ;) I will try to enjoy it all.

  4. Where do you get all your energy from?? And that is quite impressive, those round offs. My daughter, 5, did gym and all they taught them were rolly pollies - which are now called forward rolls! That pic is great, and the blue bailing twine - very creative! Good luck at show, keep us posted. Great Halloween makeup BTW x

    1. I have no idea!! I went out and pulled more ivy today too.
      I had my eye on that twine on the fence for a week before I actually pulled over and took photos of it :) Thanks for the luck :)

  5. Wow, you are busy! Luckily last week and this week will be low key as my son is still recovering from a small surgery and isn't to 'over exert' himself, so it gives me a bit of time at home. I've never entered anything, but I have wanted my mum to enter some of her gorgeous cross stitch works she made for my son. I love baking cakes, especially for birthdays. The lasts ones I made were a teddy bear and a Bundy Rum bottle.

    1. oh wow, the rum bottle sounds interesting. I enjoyed making their cakes last year, but I'm giving myself a break, plus I don't know how I will squeeze it in.

  6. What cute little monsters!! It definately is an insane time of year. Good luck (although you don't need it) to both of you in the show.


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