
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Here's the plan

The past two weekends I've been dragging the kids around to open gardens. Loads of garden inspiration, Spring is the perfect time to see other peoples garden in full glory.

It's given me grand ideas too, which I am sure will have my hubby asking "why?", and me saying, "Well you'll have less grass to mow".

I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. More room for roses, and other stuff.

There's three areas I have set my sights on reclaiming lawn for garden beds.

I'll poison the grass, which will take a couple of weeks after I spray. Dump some compost on and dig it through.

The first two beds will need more rocks for borders. I'll be the crazy lady on country back tracks putting rocks in my boot from the side of the road. Where there is a will there is a way ;)


  1. Must admit I have been on a rock hunt lately too. Just after they do roadworks is a great time! Look forward to seeing the end results Alicia.

    1. Yay! Always nice to meet a fellow rock scavenger :)
      Roadworks is an awesome time I have noticed too :) I'm looking forward to having some more room for plants I take a liking too as well ;)

  2. Can't wait to see your progress and the end result. Love your response to the "why" question!!

    1. I actually mowed the lawns myself yesterday when Izzy was at kindy. Summer helped me until she was comfortable with the mower, I had to carry/ help her push at first. I actually like it when I do it myself, a much nicer job ;) I haven't done it much at all in the past 4 years, am loving it :)

  3. What fun! I am looking forward to all those pictures of beautiful roses in bloom :)

    1. Me too! Probably won't be until next year when the bagged roses come out for sale, that I will plant any more, unless I see some nice potted ones on sale. At least I will be ready ;)

  4. Will admit I have been the crazy lady on the side of the road collecting rocks as well. Looking fwd to seeing the end result.

    1. I still have to get round to spraying the poison, it's a bit tricky with two kids running around all of the time. I will get there.

  5. Don't be offended, because she's AWESOME, but you remind me of my mum, who is always trying to reclaim gardening space!!! So green there, we are dirt brown here right now x

  6. Am so impressed by your gardening. But seriously, where do you find the time??? Do your girls help? I would love to do some gardening, but unless it involves the boys spraying me with the hose, they're just not going to cooperate! Look forward to seeing the finished product.


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