
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

An arvo at AAMI, Port vs Carlton

On Saturday arvo, along with forty five thousand others, we made our way to AAMI Stadium in West Lakes, for the last of the AFL home and away matches. 

It was a snap decision earlier in the week to go and see Port Adelaide take on Carlton. It's the first time we'd been to AAMI, and the girls first ever AFL footy match. 

It was packed, the atmosphere was awesome, and the kids were perfect. The only complaint from Izzy was when she couldn't hear my phone from all the noise in the last quarter, she took numerous photos of the back of the head of the man in front of us. Summer slept through most of the last half and woke to chants of 'Power, power, power', and the raucous that comes with a close tussle.

Port dominated up until the last quarter when Carlton came back from nowhere to win by a point. I like to think Kenny (the port coach) told the boys to take it easy in that last quarter, to save themselves for this weekends final against Collingwood. That's my theory for Port losing and I'm sticking by it. 

I heard a Carlton supporter yell out "Carlton are playing like shit, and we're still beating them", keep thinking that sunshine, they let you have it. 

I haven't really followed much of Collingwoods games this season, so I'll will be torn watching this Saturday night. I'm a sucker for going for the underdog, so I think my heart will be with Port. I am a South Australian after all. 

The sun sunk below the members stand during half time, so we got some reprieve after that. Lots of sunscreen before then.

Dad's influence. Throwing undies up into the fan, and watching them fly around the room.
It had us all cackling in the hotel room that morning.


  1. I love it when kids have role models that do cool shit like throw stuff in to fans, my hubby does that!!! Nothing like a spontaneous trip to footy :)

    1. It was hilarious, we were laughing so hard. We had an awesome weekend :)

  2. I enjoy watching the football. However I have never been to a live game. It is on my bucket list .....hopefully one day I will get to experience the thrill of being at the game. Go Dockers !!!

    1. You should definitely do it, nothing like it, especially when it's a close game.

  3. As a Carlton suppoer I was pretty please that Kenny may have told them to take their foot off the pedal. Goodluck in the finals - as a house with mad Dockers supporters its all thats being talked about.

    1. Thanks for the luck, but I don't think Port will get past Collingwood, who knows though? You could hardly tell there was Carlton supporters there until that last quarter, they were certainly making their presence felt when they hit the front.

  4. I would love to go to a live sporting match, I think that the atmosphere would just be electric!

  5. I was cranky that Carlton won, cause it totaly dashed the Crows hope of squeezing into the eight, but oh well.
    I'd love to go to AAMI for a match one day.

    1. One of the reasons hubby wanted to go was because it would probably be the last AFL match at AAMI, with the new oval in Adelaide being built. There is a bit of speculation on the future of AAMI stadium.
      It would have been nice if the Crows had of squeezed through, my gran would have been ecstatic.

  6. Love the last pic!! Looks like you had a great time.


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