
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Veggie patch envy

There may have been some confusion yesterday when I posted pictures of that beautiful veggie patch. I had a feeling that some may have thought it was ours, but alas, I too have garden envy.

That veggie patch is out on my brother in laws farm, he and his wife have gone travelling around Australia for most of this year. Their daughter(my niece) and her fiance are living there at the moment, we were feeding the chooks, the dog and her cat while they too had gone away for several days.

We were merely raiding the veggie patch ;)

These are pictures of my veggie patch, not so overflowing. The two barrels used to have shrubs in them. They were looking rather ragged and sad, so I ripped them out, added some sheep poo compost and put in veggie seed. One has wombok and broccoli in it and the other, carrot and lettuce. They seem to be going alright, green fingers crossed.

My neglected patch has, at the moment, some broad beans growing, not badly and some shallot type onion things. Some lovage(great to use as a celery substitute), perpetual leeks and parsley. This patch needs the sheep poo treatment too, the gum trees don't help. My bad for putting veggies there in the first place.

I've planted the square pot on the veggie patch retaining wall with a peruvian purple potato, it looks to be growing ok, hopefully, whenever they are ready, the pot is full of them when I tip it out.

How do you like our scarecrow? This was Boggys fancy dress costume for the recent 40th we went to, determined not to let it go to waste, this was my solution. Dunno how thats gonna work out, because it is sure to perish out there!


  1. I seems that your vege patch is doing okay. Seems to be similar to ours actually. Hmmm maybe I should share it. I love the scarecrow and I guess we will just all have to have vege patch envy.

  2. Love your scarecrow..I hope to start a veggie patch with the kids once we move house x

  3. The patch down at the back garden that is meant to be my veggie patch is water logged - non stop rain over here.
    Do like you scarecrow.
    Thanks for linking in today

  4. I have garden envy, too. We did not plant this year due to work schedules and vacation plans. Thankfully with the heat that came, I would've been exhausted had we planted. Oddly, we do have two pumpkins growing that we had planted last year and never sprouted! Lol.

  5. So much space! My vege garden space is a foot-wide strip along our fence. Our inner city block was not made for vege gardening. I wish I had even half of your space :)

  6. We are working on a veggie patch! At the moment it's an old wheelbarrow and a couple of pots with broccoli cabbage. So yours looks fabulous to me!

  7. Our poor veggie patch is overrun by weeds at the moment! :( Ireally need to dedicate more time to it. Any tips for keeping the weeds away? They grow fast and furiously here!


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