
Monday, July 22, 2013

Pumpkin ravioli

I made ravioli last week. It's one of those things I had listed in my bucket list, so was taking the kids to the circus apparently, which I can cross of the list too. I had forgotten until I actually went and looked at the list this week. 

I was in love eating this, and if someone had of been standing at the door it would have sounded like I was having an orgasm on the kitchen floor. It was that good, I'm a legend in my own lunchtime  Almost. I didn't have butter, but crisped up some sage in margarine. Sue me. It was bloody delicious!

500 grams pumpkin
2 cloves garlic
olive oil
1 heaped tablespoon of bread crumbs.

Peel and slice pumpkin and place on a baking tray with some olive oil and whole garlic cloves(in skin). Bake until soft.
Pop garlic out of skins and mash together with pumpkin. I just used a fork right there on the tray.
Mix in the breadcrumbs and let cool. 

If there any hard bits(edges of pumpkin) that wont mash properly just discard them or eat them! You should be left with at least a cup of pumpkin filling.

400 grams plain flour
4 eggs
pinch salt

Make a well in the flour and break in the eggs and add salt. Use your fingers to break the eggs and mix in the flour. Combine to make a dough. Knead until smooth and shiny, it will take at least 10 minutes.
Cling wrap it and set aside for 20 minutes.

Use a pasta machine to roll out dough until it is on the thinnest setting, make strips with a width of about 9 cm. 
Place small teaspoons of filling about 10 cm apart. Brush around the filling with some water. 
Place another strip on top sealing around the filling first and then out to the edges.

You could just cut them into squares, but I used a cookie cutter to cut out the ravioli.

I kept the off cut pieces together and wrapped them in glad wrap, rolled them all together and cut them into fettuccine with the machine at the end. If you have any left over pumpkin, knead this with some more flour back into the pasta for a pumpkin tainted pasta. Cooked with a cream sauce would be nice. Happy days :)


  1. Yum!!! That looks sensational! What a cute apprentice :)

  2. Looks like you have a great little helper there

  3. Go you. Looks and sounds extremely yummy. Well done!

  4. Yummmmo! That looks so good! And you have an adorable helper! Can I borrow her? LOL!


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