
Monday, July 15, 2013

The circus

The nuns at primary school had so much valuable wisdom to impart. They were Sisters of St. Joseph, an order started by Saint Mary MacKillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods. I went to St Josephs in Nangwarry for most of my primary school years and Tenison College for all of my secondary education.  So I was imparted with much wisdom, which at the time was oblivious to how valuable it was.

One of the fantastic things they imparted to me, was to show full appreciation and always be the last person applauding. It's good manners, or something like that.  I wish I had of jotted everything down in a notebook, hindsight is a bitch. 

Over the weekend we went to a show, Loritz circus was in town. It took Izzy a while to warm up, as is the usual with things and people she doesn't know well. As I watched her in the second half of the show clapping along with the crowd when something amazing happened, I recalled what the nuns had said. I think it was before an all schools concert or maybe it was that time we bussed it to see Peter and the Wolf, preparing us to be good and grateful audience members. 

What a thrill it must be to be performing under the big top and hear that applause after you've done something quite amazing, and daring. What amazed me, is through all those daring feats, the performers, jugglers and acrobats smiled through it all. I found myself with a dumb smile on my face too, a circus will do that to ya. Some hot bodied acrobats helped, like a smack in the face when they tumbled out in a fanfare at the start of the show. 

It was the same reaction as if the cast of Magic Mike had of burst out onto stage, kinda took my breath away for a second. I quickly got over it, hubby was sitting next to me, I didn't want to seem too enthralled by them. The acrobatics soon took over the show, it was pretty amazing.

The little dynamo, Americus Wilson, famous for being on the Oprah show and New Zealands Got Talent, wowed everyone with her Lyra routine and world famous hula hoop tricks. Izzy was enthralled after already loving to watch Rachaellust on youtube. She's been practicing!

Loritz is only a small circus, but it was worth the money for the hour and three quarter show I thought, if only to watch your kids enjoy the circus.

The circus moved on to Mount Gambier; we saw this big fella and heaps more scattered around town when we went on Friday. There's nothing much on in the holidays, no kindergym, no playgroup. I drove down to go to the indoor play cafe with some other mums and kids.


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