
Friday, July 12, 2013

Somewhere I visit every day

My place in time #59

Being a stay at home mum does have it's pros, like not having to leave the house some days. Days like these for me usually result in me not being dressed properly until lunch time, easy and relaxed. It would be good if this was the case everyday, as there are two people who try their best to see that it is not easy and not relaxed! Somedays we don't go anywhere, and depending on the weather, the kids don't even get outside the house.

One place I do go everyday is the loo. Somedays it is my refuge, and the sound of that doorknob lock clicking is pure relief, besides the other kind of relief that goes on in those tiny four walls. But I'm not taking photos of my loo, that would be too easy, plus I can't be bothered cleaning it.

Somedays the letter box doesn't even get a visit, not from me anyway. This is Izzys new favourite thing to do on her own. I am sure it is so she can be closer or catch the view of her best friend next door, which her wanting to play with is a constant nagging point during the day.

The laundry gets a visit from me everyday, whether it's packing the machine, turning it on, or emptying it. The broom and the vacuum cleaner live in there too. So I go in there for something, every. day. Again it is not spotless. Which is really ironic, because I have taken photos of the place that is the most crappiest at my place, chook poo crappiest.

The place I visit every day without fail is the chook house. Every morning I take our food scraps out to the two girls and let them out for a wander, which always means land mines everywhere.

Occasionally we get an egg, it's that time of year, a bit cold for laying eggs. The little brown chook has been an egg machine. The black one hasn't laid one for a while. I'm hoping to get a couple more chooks, I can see them not being let out as much, I'd have poo everywhere! They have a fair run around two sides of our big shed. 

You can read more about the My place in time project at Blackcurrant photography


  1. Ooh I'd love some chooks. Your ladies are looking healthy and it looks like they get a smorgasbord of treats to eat.

    1. Mostly kids leftovers! They are looking good at the moment, they get a bit scruffy looking during the summer though, I never knew chooks moulted.

  2. Being a sahm really is awesome some days!! Love your chook house, your girls sure are living the life!!

  3. Would love to have chooks. Your look as if they are spoilt. I do get the loo - ah peace and quiet - apart from the yelling on the other side of the door.

    1. The yelling a banging on the door is the pits lol :)

  4. I would love to have chooks too! I remember growing up, being so embarrassed because my father would insist on taking the fruit and veggie scraps home from Woolies. They must have been healthy chickens. Yours look pretty healthy and happy too! I bet the girls love it too.

    1. That would be a bit embarrassing, but I bet they were great eggs!

  5. Hi Alicia, I like to hide in the loo, too. Although, not long usually before someone's banging on the door saying "Muuuum, you in there?" I so wish we had chooks. We had some years ago before kids - I'm going to put that firmly back on my to-do list - get some more chooks!!

  6. I miss having chickens, it used to be the highlight of my morning going to collect the eggs for mum! Loved when I felt a warm one, a recently laid one x


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