
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kids are funny things

Garbage guts, pulled her sisters plate over

She built it herself, all the blocks in a perfect stack
worth a photo, before it fell down, she was so proud

This bowl had to stayed here all night and until Dad
got home from his truck trip at 2 pm the next day
so she could show him she finished her tea.

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Great photos!! I love the bowl sitting there!!

  2. Too funny about the bowl. Love the fancy dress day!

  3. LOVE the bowl shot!!! My daughter is the same!!

    Great pictures!

    #WW visiting :)

  4. hehe kids are funny. I love the family shot.

    1. They do the cutest stuff. We went out to a fancy dress party, I'm not always that colour.

  5. Now that is one great stack of blocks! And the bowl - classic.
    Gosh you all looked the part dressing up, was it for a party?

    1. My friend had a fancy dress 40th, movies and tv. We went with the wizard of oz.

  6. LOVE the fancy dress pics! One of my fav movies - 'I'm shrinking, shrinking.."
    And I have a garbage guts boy - just a shame the other two weren't!

  7. I had to have a little giggle with that photo of the dinner bowl on the chair! Its something that my little daughter would do to - to show Daddy that she ate her dinner!

  8. My teenagers leave their plates out for hours too. It's not cute when they do it though! Lovely photos!

  9. Hahaha, that's so cute. But those flying monkeys scared the bejezus out of me as a child, you just brought back memories! You all look fabulous though - what a great photo! Cheers, Alison


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