
Thursday, July 4, 2013

A furry visitor from the west

WALT aka West Australian Lone Traveller, is a teddy bear Susan from Jacana blog rescued from a thrift shop. She set him off on a trip around australia with a backpack and a travel journal.

Walt arrived on my doorstep with his backpack on Friday, I was excited to see him. He was so adorable, I gave him a big cuddle(shocked me, I was cuddling him before I knew what I was doing, he's a charmer), and let him hang out on the lounge to watch some telly to recuperate after his long trip. Our house was the first stop on his whirlwind tour of the country.

He came out with us on Saturday night to a 40th birthday party, and in true dress up style, as a flying monkey from the Wizard of OZ. 

Partying it up, we were warned.
He hung out with the kids, sometimes just laying around on the floor, coz he couldn't keep up, and getting cuddles, possibly from sticky fingers, but coming out pretty unscathed(thank goodness). 

We took him sightseeing belted in with Izzys 'baby'

Walt left yesterday, and is off for another adventure somewhere in Queensland, so if you're in that part of the world, keep an eye out for him loitering around your doorstep. He really is bloody adorable and no trouble whatsoever. 

 You can keep up with Walt and his travels on Susan's blog, on the Totally Thursday link up.


  1. Love it - we did something very similar when Gorgeous Son was in kindy - many years ago - they made an outline of themselves on paper and then sent them on their travels to see how far they could travel - all the travel was documented and eventually they arrived back home... some of the kids travelled far and wide and had some awesome adventures. :-)

    1. Wow, that sounds interesting and a great thing to look back on when they are older :)

  2. You showed Walt a great time!! He will be exhausted if all this partying keeps up!!

    1. He will be a well rounded bear by the time he gets home that's for sure and I think in need of a wash again too ;)

  3. What fun he had and good timing turning up for a dress up party!

    1. Excellent timing. I was hoping he would turn up before the weekend :)

  4. Love Walt's costume! What a lucky bear to go out partying with you!

    This is SO fun - so glad to see there are other crazy people out there like me!

    1. Yep! crazy me, making a mask and wings for a teddy bear on a saturday afternoon!

  5. It looks like Walt might have had a bit too much fun partying and I bet he loved all the cuddles.

  6. This is gorgeous! It reminds me of Little Teds Big Adventures! Imagination is a wonderful thing.


  7. Looks like Walt had a terrific time with your family! Love the pics!

    Have a nice day!

  8. WOW - looks like Walt has been partying hard. So much more fun that being in a box in an Op Shop. Not sure who's costume is better Walt's or yours. Thank you very much for having him as a house guest and sending him on his way to Queensland.

    1. Thanks Susan for sending him our way, I was like a kid in a lolly shop when he arrived. He's such a cute bear.

  9. Looks like he had an AMAZING time - Very funny adventures! I sure hope I can keep him amused - my kids will be super excited when they get home from school - I'm going to put him back in bag and they can help me unpack him! Em xx


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