
Monday, June 17, 2013

The colour of the sun

I've noticed there is lots of yellow in the garden at the moment. It reminds me of the sun, but doesn't do anything to warm me up. The cold weather has set in now, I am missing the warmth of the sun. It still makes an appearance, but can't compete with the chill in the air. I hate the cold. 

glorious jonquils, they are now inside in a vase

the stupid soursobs, a weed 

last flush of 'gold bunny', a climbing rose, before I prune

We are still getting outside in the yard. The kids getting wet and grubby, always followed by a warm bath and dry clothes. This week we may be out a bit, I need to prune the roses, as long as the rain stays away. June has come around so quickly.

Pruning the roses will warm me up. It will make me shake my head and swear. I can't tell you how many roses will be called 'bastard' or 'mongrel', after it's thorns have penetrated my skin or clothing. I have a love/hate relationship with my roses. All will be forgiven in November, when they bloom in all their glory. Then I will love them. 


  1. Replies
    1. They do brighten up a dreary day, even if I have to admire them through the windows.

  2. I am so not a gardener but pics like this make me want to be - just gorgeous!

    Last week I raked some leaves - that's about as good as it gets for me...

  3. Soursob is too pretty to be a weed!

    I have mostly pinks, purples and reds in my garden. My viola (purple) and begonias (pink) are looking especially lush at the mo :-)

  4. The flowers are gorgeous, but I agree - they don't warm you up!

  5. I love jonquils!! It would be great viewing if you video yourself pruning the roses!! Linking and running today will be back later in the week to check out the other linkups!!

    1. Really! With the cursing and me bending over with my bum in the air! I love the jonquils too, makes this time of year in the garden a little bit interesting.

  6. Even your weeds are pretty! Love your photography!

    1. Thanks Kaz. They come up every year, from a little bulb that are hard to ged rid of, good thing they have nice flowers.

  7. I love them! My garden is mostly green stuff, shrubs and grass- my thumb is too black for flowers, but yours are lovely! I love the roses especially :)

    1. I have loads of green stuff! I'm glad you like my flowers :)


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