
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chook house happenings

Making mud with the Nerf water gun

We went mushrooming again, and hit the jackpot!

My mum turned 60 over the weekend. Present from the girls.
Us kids put in for a Tassie holiday for her, and Dad, if he can be
convinced to go.

The last of the tomatoes, I've taken them inside in the hope they will turn red with the warmth.

Cool chic

Izzy sporting her new short do. Still whinging at brushing
time. Sigh...


  1. Oh you've brought back childhood memories of mushrooming out in the 'back paddock'. what fun that was. You're lucky to be able to do this with your kids. Thanks for sharing.

    1. We found a good patch unexpectedly on the side of the road, after we had been out on BIL farm looking for some. There were heaps, we had very dirty hands on the way home :)

  2. So many lovely moments you've captured here. Awesome score with the mushies. What will you make with them? A yummy strog perhaps? Issy's new do is very cute! Dora hates me touching her hair too :(

    1. I've made soup, and frozen the rest for later. Never thought of strog, maybe risotto or a creamy pasta. Lots of options. At least there is not so much length to get the knots out of. She is fine if someone else brushes it!

    2. Mmmm, risotto! Funny how she lets someone else brush her hair! Kids!

  3. These are lovely, and your mum is so lucky! Hope your dad can be convinced :)

    1. He has been told by all of us! He and Mum haven't been on a proper holiday for YEARS, and he is retired now, so he has no excuse :)

  4. what great photos!! Love the potplants and those mushrooms are amazing!

    1. Thanks Yvette. The freezer is stocked with mushies for a while.

  5. What a great present for your Mum!

    Love all photos of garden goodness :-)

    1. They are mini fuschias. It was interesting getting the handprints just right. Summers has a failed attempt on the other side of the pot! Unique!

  6. What a young mumma you have! Love seeing a close up of Izzy - just gorg!

    1. She was 19 when she had me, and had 5 under 5 by 24(there was twins in there). She definitely has done her hard yards. Izzy kept telling me she needed a haircut, it suits her this length. She's one up on haircuts over me this year!

  7. I love having a glimpse into someone else's life in pictures.

    Out of curiosity, how can you tell that the mushrooms are an edible type? I would be worried about eating a poisonous one or a hallucinogenic one and would probably walk by a perfectly good find of mushrooms.

  8. If your dad can't be convinced to go to Tassie, then you totally should.

  9. I remember going mushroom picking as a kid...looks like you did hit the jackpot..Happy Birthday to your Mum!

  10. A busy week in the chook house!! I love how kids use anything they can get ther hands on to make mud!!

  11. Love the flower pots- so cute. Also impressed with your mushroom haul and tomato growing skills. I've been busy working, so haven't been able to regularly access a computer- so it's been a while since I saw photos of your girls- but my they've grown!!!!

  12. Those pots are beautiful - what a thoughtful gift :-)

  13. Why do all kids love mud.
    Happy happenings at your digs.
    Thanks for linking up.

  14. In that photo with the mushrooms, it kind of looks like they're growing out of your sink and taking over the kitchen! That would be on delicious kitchen. :-)


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