
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Movie greats, according to me

My favourite all time movie would have to be Dirty Dancing. It came out in the late eighties, right when my teenage hormones were raging. It's got hot bods (well one hot bod) and great music to boot.
Before these dancing dudes
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there was this dancing dude.......
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I love Star Wars. Any of them, old or new. Han solo may have been one of my first movie crushes. I am hoping the new movie, earmarked for 2015, is worthy.

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Toy Story...for keeping my kids entertained and quiet, just for a while. 
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My kids have also loved watching The Wizard of Oz, it is a timeless classic. Hard to believe it was made in 1939.

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It is so unbelievably hard to choose just one comedy movie. There have been so many side splitting favourites over the years, and if I started rattling them off I'd be here all day week.

So here is just one of my faves. I love Simon Pegg movies, Shaun of the dead, Hot Fuzz, Burke and Hare and this one pictured, Paul. Think of it like a grown ups E.T., just hell funnier.

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Draping myself on
 The Lounge 


  1. Great choices. Have you seen the ads for the new Simon Pegg/Nick Frost movie? I think it's called The End of the World. Looks hilarious! I loved Shaun of the Dead.

    1. I haven't seen it! Doing the clappy happy dance. Can't want it see it, thanks for enlightening me :)

  2. YES Patrick Swayze drooool. So sad, he's no longer with us.

    I also love Toy Story and Shrek. Slightly over Star Wars. Grew up with an obsessed brother and now have obsessed sons. Sigh.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. True, so sad. He will always be remembered for this movie.
      I can't believe my son is about to turn 21, and his little sisters are enjoying Toy Story years later than him, even I don't mind watching it. Izzy(3) loves Shrek, the original, she's not so keen on the rest.
      Tut Tut, I will just have to tolerate your aversion of Star Wars ;p

  3. I love the Simon Pegg movies. Also a big fan of Wizard of Oz. It is definitely a movie that has spanned across the generations.

    1. Oh and thanks for linking up with us at The Lounge.

    2. Loved being able to link up at the lounge. However it took me the best part of a day to get there! If only I could lay on the lounge and blog all day, bloody kids ;) Will have to get a whif of the next topic for link up in advance :)

  4. There is no better movie than Dirty Dancing although I should probably invest in the dvd now we don't have a video player!! Toy story is hilarious!! I haven't seen the other movies but will have to remember them next time we are looking for a dvd!!

  5. I just love all of those movies! Ahh, Patrick! What a crush I had on him :)

  6. I love Dirty Dancing too. My kids now watch The Wizard of Oz - it's funny because I used to watch it and so did my parents. 3 generations of children entertained by one movie :-)

  7. My hubby tells me I HAVE to watch Paul! How good does Patrick look? RIP :(
    I'm also a massive Wizard of Oz fan! Em xx

  8. I was with you until Star Wars and Simon Pegg movies. :-)


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