
Monday, February 25, 2013

Red sun sets

Thursday nights sun set was amazing, I stood outside mesmerised at how it just kept getting redder as it got lower to the horizon. There was no colour in the sky, it was all in the sun.

The day had a yellowy tinge to it as smoke from fires in Victoria made its way into South Australia. Apparently that is why we had a weird sun set. It was cool to watch.

Cockys in our trees, regular visitors in Summer. Front row seats for the sunset.
The birds seemed to be singing louder, and all the crickets and bugs were chirping at full noise too. It was one of those iconic balmy australian summer nights.


  1. WOW awesome pictures. I love sunsets!! As annoying as cockies are they are such cute birds!!

    1. I don't mind the noise, as long as they don't poo on the washing!

  2. Replies
    1. I wish I knew how to use my camera better to really capture it well. Amazing all the same.

  3. We drove from Adelaide to Sydney Wed/Thurs and i have nearly the same photos! Was quite an amazing sun wasnt it.

    1. It was amazing to watch, doesn't happen very often so I was glad I noticed it. Some people had no idea when I mentioned it the next day!

  4. What a lovely romantic yet eerie sun. Looks like a world away. Thanks for linking up with Eat.Pray.Love

  5. Stunning photos Alicia :) Back to share a post soon :)

  6. Just gorgeous, though kinda sad that we only get red sunsets like this when somewhere else is experiencing the heartache of bushfires ...

  7. Oh, I feel I was right there with you! I really love these photos. The trees look so alive against the sky. And I'm dreaming of the sound of those crickets.

  8. Alicia that is just gorgeous, I have goosebumps. You captured it really well especially with the tree in the foreground! Thanks for linky - Em xx

  9. Great pictures Alicia. We have had some hazy days here too which always means beautiful sunsets.

  10. Hi!! Thanks for hosting :)

    Your two newest posts are lovely ~ the photos of the sun are beautiful, and I miss the summer here and being able to go to the ocean. Looks like a fun day :)



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