
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Beach bums

Saturday we went for a drive down to the beach to meet some friends for a barby tea. It's only a 15 minute drive away to Southend, and then some to drive along the beach to where they were set up. We were half way round the Rivoli Bay beach, a 15 km stretch of sand in between Southend and Beachport.

Summer sporting the end of a black eye. She had a run in with a
table the weekend before.

It was a hot day, and perfect down the beach. The kids had fun in the sea, and the dog had a ball chasing flies.

We were only there for a few hours, the sunset was gorgeous as we made our way home about eight o'clock.
Both the kids had a quick bath when we got home and were straight to bed. They were well and truly tuckered out. Even I went to bed early.


  1. Looks like your children had a great time. What a great photo of the sunset !
    Thanks for sharing - have the best day !
    #IBOT visitor

    1. The kids love it down the beach. I was impressed with the sunset, I had to keep taking photos of it.

  2. We haven't had sun in weeks - all the beaches are buggered and going to cost tens of millions to fix. Boo. Glad you had a lovely day though x

    1. We did have a lovely afternoon. Bummer about your beaches.

  3. What a delightfully perfect way tot spend the day - your photos are gorgeous xx
    Josefa from #teamIBOT

  4. What gorgeous photos. What a lovely time at the beach.

  5. The kids are gorgeous!
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  6. Your girls are divine!! I love a good day at the beach it really is tiring and it always makes me hungry too!!

  7. Oh I love SA beaches! We had a ball over Christmas, getting to spend so much time at them. This makes me want to do it again

  8. What a fun day! Great pictures and amazing sunset!

  9. Making a fashion statement with the sunnies!


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