
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Diet - the first week

It's been a week. Yesterday I weighed in, after my first wee, in the nuddy, as soon as I woke up. There was excitement and nervousness as I stepped onto my newly purchased scales. They had been a new novelty for the kids for the past week. Izzy had only seen one like this in nannas bathroom, we would goo and gaa in fascination when she stood on them. She has been pulling this one out and playing with it, but it's my turn now. 
To tell the truth I had a go during the week, and found that I had lost a bit. I feel less bloated and just in one week, my pants have loosened just that little bit.

The biggest thing I have noticed and been making a conscience effort on is chewing my food! I am not sure if it is a mother thing, being busy and gutsing my food down quickly while I can, but I have been. I remember when I had Izzy and breastfeeding, I was starving, and would woof my food down. Maybe it's something I have carried with me.

I'm always reminding Brett to chew his food, that his stomach doesn't have teeth, because he eats like a bull at a gate. He is famous for being the first one finished although he does the most talking at the table(usually with a mouthful of food, which is totally grosse to watch!). I make sure I take my time, put the knife and fork down, and chew.

I was shocked too at how much I did pick. Cleaning up the highchair, Izzys plate, I had made myself a human garbage disposal. But not only that, when I was preparing food too. I check myself all the time now before my hand reaches my mouth!

"A diet is the penalty for exceeding the feed limit"

I am eating a lot more healthy, not so much packaged sweet rubbish, like biscuits or chips. I have given up sugar, and as a result coffee, and I am not buttering my bread or toast. I am eating heaps more fresh fruit and veggies. Still managing to fit in a few alcoholic bevos somewhere during the week in to my calorie count, I have to have some sort of vice!

I started last week at 75 kgs*. I don't know how but I weighed in at 69kg and lost 6 in this first week. Now it's gonna get harder, and I've got to do more walking.

*While I weighed in at 75kg last week, it was in the middle of the day, and I was clothed. Realistically, I should have done in the same conditions as I did yesterday morning. Possibly I could have been 74 kgs, whatever the if, I lost weight!!! 


  1. I am a picker too!! I started a diet last year and have lost 10 kg so far, but it is a hard habit to get out of. I make the kids dinner and of course taste it, then encourage them to eat by eating off their plate, and then sometimes clearing their plates by eating!!!!! :(

    New Years Resolution is to no longer be the eater of scraps! :) LOL

  2. YAY!!!! Congrats.. any weightloss is a great weightloss!!! Whether it 100g or 6 kilos!!! I remember the first time I stood on the scales after my first week of dieting.. I was amazed... and yes it is harder.. but you know you can do it!! I started off at around 75 kilos when I decided to start dieting - hit 56 kilos yesterday - it took me a good year - and i plateaued at 60 for AGES.. don't give up... you can do it!

    1. Fantastic Yvette,good for you, it sounds like we are around the same. I know I can do it. I have lost it before.

  3. Good on you for changing your habits and becoming mindful. Something that can help in many aspects of life. As for giving up coffee AND sugar at the same time- that would be enough to send me off the deep end!!

    1. Oops: visiting via #teamIBOT :)

    2. I was off sugar and coffee before I had kids, I have only started drinking coffee int he past 6 months or so, it all about changing habits.

  4. What a great start. I'm dieting too, but I haven't been brave enough to weigh in yet. I do know that the jeans that didn't do up before Christmas do up now, but there is still considerable muffin top!
    Totally relate to your comment re chewing, sometimes I look down and realise I've finished a meal but hardly tasted it. Being more conscious and slowing down plays a big part in our relationship with food.

    1. The muffin top is a great indicator! There was no way I was going to start buying a bigger size without doing something about it. Eating more slowly so my stomach had time to catch up has a lot to do with overeating.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Tahlia. I am so glad i took the plunge and just went with the diet.

  6. Wow thats a great weight loss in one week - well done. I started the new year with a juice cleanse and lost 3kgs and am now continuing on with a juice/raw food diet - and I feel amazing.

    Some food now makes my stomach turn - funny. And as for sugar well it leaves me buzzing like you wouldn't beleive.

    1. It does feel good. I have come out in zits this first week though, did that happen to you. Detox maybe?

  7. Wow, that's a lot of weight to lose in one week! Congratulations! I love "your stomach doesn't have teeth". I'm going to have to remember that one!

  8. Wow!! Congratulations, it's great to see the hard work pay off. Keep it up. Rachel xx

    1. I am on a roll, I intend on keeping it up. That took a good chunk off what I wanted to lose.

  9. Wow! Congrats on a great result!

  10. Hello, I've got 3 kg to lose before I'm back to my ideal, nicely rounded 71kg. The Xmas kilos have to go. They will do. Do eat mostly good grub, and have stopped boozing, but it's time for me to write down a few days, and chew slowly - great point.

  11. Congrats on your great start and good luck as you continue on!

    Visiting from IBOT.

    1. Thanks for the luck, I may need it to get through, I am sure it wont be as easy as the first week.

  12. What a great start . Hope you have a great week.

  13. Congrats to you Alicia, I see all your healthy food and think you're doing a great job! I'm with you, I rarely chew food, but might have to start to :)

  14. congrats on your weight loss! i am terrible about the mindfulness of eating - i am trying to remind myself to savor the good food i eat.i gave up sugar too but still have coffee just with milk only. hope you have a good week

    1. I tried coffee without sugar, I hated it. I went back to having my tea, black with no sugar. I am sure that has contributed to my losing so much in the first week. No milky coffee with two sugars!

  15. Wowsers!! That is definitely the encouragement you need to keep going! What a great start to your journey!

  16. I've been following your Facebook updates about your calorie results. What an incredible loss!!! I love that you weighed in nude after weeing!!! That is exactly what I would do. x


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