
Sunday, January 20, 2013


Now that I am on a diet, I have to calorie count everything. Every morsel I eat is weighed, measured, accounted for. This is one of the recipes I made for myself with the summer vegies I had on hand. 

Ingredients                                                                     Cals   Kj
 1 clove (3g) of Vegetables, fresh: Garlic, raw416
(x) 140 g of Vegetables, fresh: Onions, average all types, raw42178
(x) 500 g of Vegetables, fresh: Zucchini, raw75305
(x) 200 g of Vegetables, fresh: Beans, Green or French or Runner, raw58244
(x) 400 g of Vegetables, fresh: Tomato, ripe, raw72296
(x) 1 cup, chopped (120g) of Vegetables, fresh: Capsicum, Green, raw26110
(x) 1 teaspoon (5g) of MasterFoods: Herbs: Thyme Leaves1564
(x) 5 g of Herbs: basil, fresh29
(x) 1 serving (1.5g) of ProChef: Sprays: Olive Oil, Extra Virgin1356
(x) 1 half cup (125g) of Ardmona: Vegetables, canned: Tomatoes, Crushed33134
Meal Total3401411
From my food diary at It works out everything!!

1 onion, chopped
125 gr capsicum, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed 
500 gr zucchini, chopped
200 gr green beans, chopped
400 gr tomatoes, chopped
1 tsp thyme leaves
2 Tblsp basil, torn
1/4 cup tomato puree
Spray oil

Saute onion and capsicum for 5 minutes in a large saucepan sprayed with oil.
Add rest of ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes.
Serve warm with meat or fish or on it's own with crusty bread.

The whole recipe added up to 340 calories. I weighed the finished dish and then divided that by 4 serves, so 1 serve was only 85 calories! I had it with a 100 gr piece of steak. I mixed some pasta through the ratatouille for the kids and Brett.

I have been posting some of my meals on instagram, if you would like to follow along, I have just started tagging with #onemotherdiet.


  1. Please stop counting and just use a couple of measurements such as your palm for the size of your meat. Much easier.....let it settle in the tummy and then if still hungry go again.
    Somehow it works :)
    Becc @ Take Charge Now

    1. I need to take account of everything, because then I wont cheat. This worked for me to lose weight in the past so I am doing it again. What I need to do is heed your advice when I am maintaining because I am really bad at that :)

  2. This looks delicious - so Summery! Going to give it a try this weekend.

  3. You sound just like me. I have to be 'spot on' or I cheat myself. I love this recipe. I used to use Calorie King but now I love My Fitness Pal.


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