
Monday, January 28, 2013

Gemima and Esme

Isabel and Summer received these two dollies for christmas from their nanna Anne. That's my mum. Izzys is Gemima, and Summers is Esme(named by my mum). The dollies reside on the beds of their respective owners.

After a bout of gastro with Summer, a leaky exploding nappy, and living in Summers cot, Esme came out second best. She didn't quite survive the wash and needed some running repairs. 

Mum expressed when she bought them that they dollies should have a book to document their travels and adventures, what better place to do that than this blog! 
Watching Shrek with their engrosed(and tired) owners


  1. I love the idea of recording the Dolly's adventures. We created travel diaries for our kids to fill out on our last big holiday.

  2. Oh poor Esme. What a smelly experience.

  3. Gosh I wish I could make crafty things like your mum, what gorgeous dollies. Am linking up with you finally Alicia! I haven't had a chance to work out how to do the ole buttons yet despite being told twenty times how. I'm a bit slow.

    1. Took me a while to get the knack of buttons. Thanks for linking up. My mum isn't very crafty, she bought these at a market!

  4. My mother-in-law has a traveling teddy bear which has traveled all around Australia and to Japan and New Zealand :) It's great to keep a special adventure toy like that :)

  5. They are so cute. Dora received a similar style knitted doll from her great aunty. They're very special. I look forward to reading about their adventures :)

  6. they are gorgeous!! they'll make beautiful keep sakes for your girls and what a wonderful idea to document their journeys - good and not so good! One day it will all be funny!

  7. How cute, and how wonderful that your girls obviously adore their dolls! You have a very clever mum!

    1. Yes,she cleverly bought them at a market, my mum isn't a crafter!

  8. The dolls are amazing. Nothing better than homemade toys.
    Your post has taken me back to a not so pleasant memory of my one of my own children and a similar experience with a teddy. YUK.

    1. If it wasn't such a special present from nanna, it may have ended up in the bin!!

  9. EW - poor Esme. Very glad I'm not a doll - so much easier to wash skin than wool. They are gorgeous - you do have a clever mum. My first link up with you Alicia! Thanks for hosting - i've never managed to get my act together for a Monday before. Bless a rainy long weekend!?

    1. Thanks for coming to link up. Poor Esme the smell was atrocious. My mum is not a knitter, she found these at a market!

  10. Happy Monday!! Those dolls are so cute and sweet :)) Thanks for hosting and have a great week!


    1. They are very cute and cleverly made. Thanks for coming to link up :O)


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