
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just snot cricket

Watched 'Howzat' last night, the Kerry Packer cricket story. I loved it. Brett watched it too, in bed of course, after asking me "Whats the big deal about this Kerry Packer bloke?"....*rolls eyes* I never said he was the sharpest tool in the shed. 

Brett used to play cricket and was quite good at it, apparently. He went and played county cricket in England for Barnsley, he met some of the cricketers played in the show, in training and mentoring sessions. I am hoping they play the rest of it, and wasn't just a teaser to get us to buy the DVDs. If I miss out it will be on my download list.

Brett doesn't play cricket anymore, I am kinda pleased about that. All the effort that goes into fast bowling, does nothing for his groin muscles, and the whining about it is very hard to listen to. As with the complaining from a game of tennis or baseball. He hasn't taken up any sport this summer, fishing will be his priority, it would be nice if he actually caught something good. Hopefully my wordless wednesdays with be adorned with many lobsters, big yummy fish, and maybe the stray octopus.

As I enjoyed the show my head became stuffier and stuffier. My throat became itchy and my chest heavy. By the time I went to bed I felt like utter shit. The kids followed suit and in the end had both of them in bed with me, trying to get either one of them back to sleep... for a couple of hours!! I'm sure they planned the tag team attack well in advance. Brett retreated to Izzys bed in the hope of some sleep.

I woke at 7 am, made myself a coffee that I couldn't taste, the satisfaction from that first cup(that never hits the sides) didn't come. My legs ached, my head ached. I blew my nose in vain, there's an endless supply of snot ready to miraculously take its place. As I looked at the tissue, because just about everyone does's not got to be only me, I am reminded of the flourescent socks I had as a kid. 

Izzy slept until 9, and Summer at 9:30, never happens. I appreciated the two hours of quiet. Izzy stayed in bed until 10:30 queitly and happily watching You tube. Never happens. She's got the laptop worked out, my job got easier the day she learned how to use a computer.

One thing we had to miss out on today, was seeing the appearance of Santa at kindergym, the last one for the year. It makes me feel for Santas everywhere, having to come in contact with snotty noses and sleeves and all other manners of germ spreadage. I wouldn't surprise if he catches everything under the sun and spends his holidays miserable and sick, probably watching cricket.

I am kicking myself we didn't go to the monday session, I was looking forward to it. I was looking forward to my excitement in the moment of seeing her reaction, and the pride of watching her going up to him for her present, taking photos. The gym instructor rang me later, saying she had presents there for the girls. Brett picked them up after work, she didn't like the sound of me and thought it best I stayed away from her! There was no way I felt like going out anywhere anyway.

We will more than likely be missing out on Santa at playgroup tomorrow as well, we had to buy present for under $10 for each of our own children. I have two $5 barbie dolls from woolies, wrapped, in the boot of my car. Looks like they will be presents from Santa, in exchange for the milk and cookies come christmas morning.

I will now be excusing myself, to go to the loo. We just ran out of tissues and toilet paper is about the next best thing!


  1. Hope you feel better soon. I started watching Howzat the other night could not stay up and could not be bothered to tape it!! I hope my kids do not want to play cricket unless of course their father can take them!!

    1. My son played footy, I didn't mind taking him to training and going to games. But then I didn't have to sit there all day with a game of footy.

  2. I hope you will feel better very soon.

  3. Oh you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon and you can get some more tissues - loo paper really rubs the nose the wrong way after a while!

    1. I dropped the kids at mums and went to the shops at 9am, got tissues!

  4. Oh no! Hate a cheeky cold (especially in summer). And we use toilet paper as tissues probably 90% of the time (oh the shame!!)

    1. I was only commenting to my neighbour last week that the change in the weather will bring on the flus. I should have shut my mouth. Always the way.

  5. Haha! If there's one thing worse than man flu its a man with a strained groin. Oh the humanity. Hope your lady flu clears up asap.

    1. Thankyou. I was annoyed yesterday at WHO had given me man flu, its the sickest I have been for a while, and I often am not a complainer, but this one is a doozy.

  6. Just got home from 4 hours of cricket so you are right not to miss it! I much prefer the 'quick' games of footy and basketball! Hope you are feeling better soon :)

  7. Argh! The worst time of year to get sick! Hope you feel better soon :)

  8. Oh that's not cool! I'm not a cricket fan or a cold fan, so I think the whole things ounda miserable! ;)

  9. Oh, bleugh! Sucks having a cold in this hot weather. Sucks to have a cold anytime. Hope you're feeling better soon!


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